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Since she moved to the new school, her behaviour has certainly changed for the better.自从她转到新学校,她的表现确实比以前好了。His health has changed for the better.他的健康状况已有好转。Mr Appleby described the new legislation as definitely a change for the better.阿普尔比先生认为新的立法绝对能使形势得到改善。Her attitude has definitely changed for the better since she started this new job.她自从开始新工作后态度确实变好了。I reckon we've all made a big change for the better.我认为我们大家都向好的方面大大转变了。Most people think that things have changed for the better since the new government came to power.大多数人觉得新政府上台后,情况已有所改善。The new policy is a change for the better. 新政策是一个好的转变。The doctor said the patient had taken a change for the better.医生说病人已有好转。There was a change for the better in the patient's condition.病人的情况有所好转。Things have recently changed for the better.近来情况有所好转。 |