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词汇 inventory
例句 We'll be doing inventory on the collection soon.我们马上要盘点库存。He made an inventory of everything that was in the house.他给房子里的所有物品列了个清单。When the police eventually arrived, we made an inventory of the missing items.当警察最终到来的时候,我们已开出了遗失物品清单。Hotel chains often cut prices in order to sell excess inventory.连锁酒店经常为了消化剩余客房而减价。It is time to take stock of our river resources, but there is no nationwide inventory.是清查我国河流资源的时候了,可手头没有全国范围的资料目录。The company keeps a full inventory of its equipment.公司把它的设备列了一个详细的清单。The manager is compiling an inventory of all the hotel furniture.经理正在编制宾馆所有家具的清单。She made an inventory of everything in the apartment.她把公寓里所有的东西都列了一张清单。We made an inventory of everything in the apartment.我们把这套公寓里的所有东西开列了一份详细清单。Our inventory of used cars is the best in town.我们卖的二手车是城里最好的。The company has been running down its factories/inventory.这家公司一直在减少它的工厂/库存。How can a small business afford to keep so much inventory?一家小公司怎么能够有这么大的库存量?We want to find ways to speed up inventory turnover.我们想寻找加快库存周转的途径。The store wanted to offer more items but stock less inventory.商店想要摆售更多商品,同时保持较少的库存。That lamp isn't listed on the inventory.那盏灯没列在清单上。They are looking for other Dixie highlights to add to their trip inventory.他们在寻找在美国南部各州中还有哪些胜地可以使他们的旅程内容更加丰富。This book attempts to provide an inventory of uses of prepositions.这本书试图对介词的用法作一总结。Some of the things in the shop were not listed in the inventory.店里有些商品没有列在存货清单上。Naturalists work with volunteers to inventory all living organisms in the park.博物学家和志愿者一起为这个公园里的所有生物编制目录。The store was closed for inventory all week.那家商店因盘货暂停营业一星期。Before starting, he made an inventory of everything that was to stay.开始之前,他把所有要留下的东西列了详细的清单。Disaster response teams are completing an inventory of damaged facilities.灾害应急救援队正在对受损设施进行登记。We made an inventory of the library's collection.我们列了一份图书馆藏书的清单。They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory.他们可能会举行清仓大甩卖。The inventory lists many rare items.清单上列有很多稀有物品。The inventory situation was righting itself.库存局面在恢复正常。The painting is listed in an inventory of his complete works.这幅画列在他全部作品的目录之中。There were no forks in the inventory.清单里没有叉子。They are just happy to sell their inventory any which way they can.只要存货能脱手,无论采取什么方式他们都愿意。He was asked to assign two of his employees to the inventory control department.他被要求派两名手下去库存管理部。Jagger is not alone in his attempts at embalming himself in the rock fan's CD inventory.像贾格尔那样,期望在摇滚乐迷的珍藏唱片中占一席之地并经久不衰的人大有人在。We took an inventory at the store yesterday to find out what we need to order.昨天我们对商店进行了盘点,看需要定什么货。The dealer keeps a large inventory of used cars and trucks.这位经销商有大量的二手轿车和卡车库存。




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