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词汇 invasion
例句 General Salan was supplanted soon after the invasion by General Henri Navarre.亨利·纳瓦拉将军入侵后,很快就排挤掉了萨朗将军。News of the invasion spread panic among the citizens.入侵的消息在市民中引起了一片恐慌。American invasion forces were marching on the city.美国侵略军正向这个城市推进。The secrecy and swiftness of the invasion shocked and amazed army officers.这次入侵的隐秘和迅速令陆军军官们大为震惊。Since the US invasion the president's reputation has nosedived.美国入侵以来,总统的声望就一落千丈。The invasion of the small country was a disregard for a weaker people.入侵那个小国是对弱小民族的不尊重。He has warned some of his more gung ho generals about the consequences of an invasion.他已警告手下那些好战的将军们入侵带来的后果。When the invasion occurred he ruled as a puppet of the occupiers.外敌入侵时,他作为占领者的傀儡行使统治。That would leave us wide open to an enemy invasion.这将使我们容易受到敌人的侵略。Police could do nothing to stop the pitch invasion.警察无力阻止人群冲进球场。An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis.入侵肯定会加剧政治危机。The attack was just short of a full invasion.这次袭击几乎是一次全面入侵。Is drug testing an invasion of privacy?药检是侵犯个人隐私吗?The great invasion plan was beginning to unfold.大规模的入侵计划开始披露。The tower stands as a monument to the invasion of the island.这座塔是为纪念该岛曾经遭到的入侵而修建的。Rumours of an enemy invasion began to reach the capital.敌人入侵的传闻开始传入首都。The army's invasion set off a major international crisis.军事入侵引发了重大的国际危机。They considered this an invasion of their turf.他们认为此举侵犯了他们的地盘。It was almost time for the summer invasion of tourists.差不多是夏季游客到来的时节了。Their superior forces repelled the invasion.他们以优势兵力击退了入侵者。The town is gearing up for the annual tourist invasion.这个镇正为游客一年一度的大批涌入做准备。The invasion of the island sent a shudder of horror through the people.对该岛的侵略让人们感到恐惧。A high-level military official warned people not to pay attention to rumours about invasion.一名高级军官告诫人们不要去理会有关入侵的谣传。These phone calls are a gross invasion of privacy.这些打来的电话是严重侵害个人隐私的行为。He had known in advance of the invasion plans.他事先就知道入侵的计划。There was no compelling justification for the invasion.这次入侵没有令人信服的理由。The ancient Britons inhabited these parts of England before the Roman invasion.在古罗马人入侵之前,古英国人居住在英格兰的这些地区。The movie is about an invasion by aliens. 这部电影讲述的是外星人入侵的故事。France itself was threatened with invasion.法国自身也受到入侵的威胁。The invasion was all the more remarkable in antithesis with the peaceful statement made a few days previous to the attack.与进攻发起前数日发表的和平声明相对照,入侵格外令人瞠目。Is reading a child's diary always a gross invasion of privacy?偷看孩子的日记一定是对个人隐私的严重侵犯吗?The country's economy was already in a tailspin before the invasion.在入侵之前该国经济已经直线跌落。Fears of an invasion were heightened by long-range bomb attacks.由于远程炸弹的袭击,人们对于入侵的恐惧更为强烈。I felt my body involuntarily stiffen against her invasion of my personal space.她擅自闯入我的私人空间,我感觉全身都不由自主地紧绷起来。He disputed the legality of the invasion.他对入侵的合法性提出质疑。The shops prepared for an invasion of last-minute Christmas shoppers.各商店做好了准备迎接圣诞节前最后一批蜂拥而入的购物者。Mr Wilson condemned the invasion.威尔逊先生谴责侵略行径。The population experienced a chill at the threat of an invasion.由于受到侵略的威胁,人们都担惊受怕了一阵。Seaside resorts are preparing for a tourist invasion.各个海滨胜地正准备迎接纷至沓来的游客。He claimed it was an invasion of his privacy.他声称这是对他隐私的侵犯。




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