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词汇 invented
例句 Before cars were invented, people thought nothing of walking six miles to work.在发明汽车之前,步行六英里去上班对人们来说不算什么。He invented a pathetic excuse about losing his watch.他为丢表编了一个站不住脚的借口。The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.电话是由亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔发明的。Ancient peoples used tablets to write on before paper was invented.古人在纸发明前用简在上面写字。They invented a very convincing alibi.他们编造了很有说服力的不在犯罪现场的证据。Thomas Edison is best known for inventing the lightbulb, but he also invented the phonograph.托马斯·爱迪生最为人熟知的是发明了电灯泡,但是他还发明了留声机。They had invented the story to spare him the shame of such an ignoble birth.他们编造了这个故事,让他不至于因出身如此低微而感到羞愧。He invented a story to explain why he was late.他胡编了一通,说明自己是怎么才会迟到的。New production methods have been invented.已经发明了新的生产方法。Richter invented the scale by which we measure the severity of earthquakes.里克特发明人们用以测量地震强度的震级。He is said to have invented the sport of celebrity-watching.据说是他发明了观赏名人这项活动。He invented the story and it stuck.他编出了这个一直流传着的故事。Toys were few and far between, but the children invented games and played together.玩具很少,但孩子们自己想出游戏来一起玩。Television was invented by John Logie Baird.电视是由约翰·洛吉·贝尔德发明的。Pepys single-handedly invented the diary as a literary form.佩皮斯独创了日记体这种文学形式。What he had invented was a peepshow in which one person could view a moving image.他发明的是一个西洋镜,人们可以透过它看见动态的影像。He had invented an imaginary son, in order to make up for his real son's failings.为了弥补现实中儿子的不足之处,他就想象出了一个儿子。We found out that he had invented the stories he told us about his military service.我们发现他给我们讲的他服兵役的经历是捏造的。The game of golf was invented in Scotland.高尔夫球运动起源于苏格兰。Scurrilous and untrue stories were being invented.有人在捏造一些恶意诋毁的虚假传闻。Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.电灯发明以后煤气灯就被淘汰了。He invented some story about a cousin.他编造了自己有位堂兄如何如何的谎话。She has invented a nifty little gadget for undoing stubborn nuts and bolts.她发明了一种灵巧的小工具,用来松开紧固的螺母和螺栓。Thomas Edison invented the phonograph.托马斯·爱迪生发明了留声机。It was proven that one witness's story had been invented.已证实有一个证人的描述是编出来的。Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔发明了电话。In Marlowe's opinion, religion was invented in order to keep people down.马洛认为,发明宗教的目的是为了使老百姓顺服。Booth invented schemes to help the disadvantaged in the community.布思制定了计划帮助社区中贫困的人。The paper expressly rejected charges that it had invented the story.该报明确否认了编造此新闻报道的指控。Because printing had not been invented, it circulated originally in manuscript.由于当时印刷术尚未发明,它起初是以手抄本的形式流传的。In the end Kelly admitted that she'd invented the story for a laugh.最后凯莉承认说,这故事是她为了博大家一笑而编出来的。Before silos were invented, cows gave less milk during winter because they had no green grass to eat.在青贮窖发明之前,冬季奶牛产奶较少,因为没有青饲料可以吃。Perspective was invented during the Italian Renaissance.透视画法是在意大利文艺复兴期间发明的。He practically invented the modern stand-up comedy act.他实际上发明了现代单口喜剧的表演方式。Chaplin invented his own unique style of comedy.卓别林首创了他自己独一无二的喜剧风格。The gossip columnists simply invented the stories about him.这些漫谈专栏作家完全是捏造了他的那些故事。Her wealthy uncle was a myth invented to impress the other girls.她那富有的叔叔是她为了向其他女孩子炫耀而捏造出来的人。The person who invented Post-It notes must have made a fortune.发明报事贴的人肯定发大财了。He invented fictional ancestors and a family history to impress the girls.他杜撰了一些祖先的名字和一个家族历史来打动那些女孩子。He invented a bizarre contraption to open envelopes.他发明了一个开信封的稀奇玩意儿。




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