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词汇 afford
例句 We can't afford to employ someone who isn't good at the job – business is business.我们不能找一个工作干不好的人 — 公事归公事嘛。I can hardly afford the rent on my miserable income.我靠这点微薄的收入几乎交不起房租。They couldn't even afford to pony up for movie tickets.他们连电影票都买不起。This magazine has considerable financial muscle and can afford to pay top journalists.这家杂志财力雄厚,能雇得起顶尖的记者。Some workers can only afford homes outside metropolitan areas.有些工人只住得起大城市以外地区的房子。He smokes as expensive a cigarette as he can afford.他抽一种他买得起的最贵的香烟。These days more and more people can afford to fly, which means the airways become increasingly crowded.如今付得起钱乘飞机的人越来越多,这就意味着空中航线越来越拥挤。The country cannot afford to turn its back on tourism.这个国家不可能不重视旅游业。I can't afford to have another late night this week.这星期我再熬夜可吃不消了。She started her business on a small/tight/shoestring budget and could not afford to overspend.她开始做生意时资金不充裕,花钱不能大手大脚。The country could not afford the luxury of an election.这个国家可承担不起选举这种奢侈的事。Can you afford to splash out a little? Is your budget unlimited?你能稍微奢侈一点吗?你的预算是否有上限?If only the wealthy can afford to run for public office, are we more a plutocracy than a democracy?如果只有富人才有钱竞选公职,那么我们是否更像是一个财阀统治的国家而非民主国家?Her letters afford a clue to her intentions.对于她的意图她的信件提供了一条线索。When we sat down to crunch the numbers , we realized that we couldn't afford a new car.我们坐下来算账时才意识到买不起新车。Many parents cannot afford private education for their children.许多家长都负担不了让孩子接受私立教育。Before buying an expensive item, he needs to ask himself if/whether he can afford it.购买贵重物品之前,他得想想自己是否有这个能力。We can't afford to splash out that much money for luxuries.我们花不起那么多钱买奢侈品。I wish he could afford to carry out his plan.但愿他有办法实施他的计划。Neither side can afford to lose if they are to stay in contention at the top of the league table.如果要继续争夺联赛前几位名次,那么双方都不能输。The economy was too sick to afford the increase in the nation's wage bill.经济很不景气,负担不了国家的工资总额增长。We simply cannot afford to wait any longer.我们再也等不起了。I couldn't afford a new car. Instead, I bought a used one.我买不起新车。退而求其次,我买了辆二手的。I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary.我不知道他靠工资怎么能买得起新车。I'm afraid I don't have much sympathy for people who spend more than they can afford and then find themselves in debt.有些人花钱不量入为出,结果欠了一身的债,这样的人我一点也不同情他们。We can't afford to just sit by and watch more of our local industry shut down.我们可不能袖手旁观,眼看着我们当地越来越多的工厂关门停产。Only people who can afford to lose their money should make high-risk investments.只有那些能够承受资金损失的人才适合进行高风险投资。We can't afford to go on holiday.我们没钱去度假。I couldn't afford the rent on my own.我单靠自己付不起房租。The thrill of the chase at an auction can sometimes cause people to bid more than they can afford.拍卖会上争相竞价的刺激有时会使人们开出高于他们能支付的价格。The company can't afford to carry any passengers.公司养不起吃闲饭的人。I wish that I could afford a new car.我要是有钱买辆新车就好了。Is football a justifiable expense when the college cannot afford enough English classes to meet students’ needs?学院没钱开办足够的英语课来满足学生的需要,那足球难道就是一笔合情合理的开销吗?Despite rapidly rising incomes, few in the country are able to afford cable TV.尽管收入增长很快,国内还是很少有人负担得起有线电视。I can't afford to sit back with the tournament coming up.大赛在即,我可不能坐着不动。Dave and Sally couldn't afford to get anything done to the house and it fell into disrepair.戴夫和萨莉没有钱翻修,房子渐渐地破损了。They couldn't afford a house, small or otherwise. 他们买不起房子,不管是大还是小。The government cannot afford to alienate its supporters.政府绝不能疏远支持者。We can't afford to spend much on Christmas presents this year.今年我们拿不出很多钱来购买圣诞礼物。They are stronger than us and can afford to bide their time.他们比我们有实力,可以耐心等待时机。




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