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词汇 安静地
例句 She sat silently beside me.安静地坐在我身边。He sat quietly at his desk.安静地坐在书桌旁。All babies need quiet times on their own and get grizzly if they've had too much stimulation.婴儿都需要自己安静地呆一会儿,如果受到太多的刺激他们就会大声啼哭。She carried on serenely sipping her gin and tonic.她继续安静地小口抿着加奎宁水的杜松子酒。The baby was snoozing peacefully in her stroller, so we stopped to have a drink.宝宝在婴儿车上安静地睡着了,所以我们就停下来喝了点东西。Sheep were grazing peacefully in the fields.绵羊在田野里安静地吃着草。The sheep were grazing peacefully.安静地吃着草。The evening passed off quietly.夜晚安静地过去了。Quaker meetings are traditionally held in silence.传统上,贵格会教徒的祈祷会要安静地举行。Doran lay quietly in his carrycot all the way home.多兰在回家的路上一直安静地躺在婴儿睡篮里。They waited in silence and sucked their sweets.他们安静地等着,嘴里咂着糖果。The kid lay quietly as the mother licked and preened its coat.小山羊安静地躺着,母山羊为它舔着整理皮毛。He sat quietly, glancing through a magazine.安静地坐着,浏览一本杂志。She sat quietly, content to watch him working.安静地坐着,心满意足地看他干活。The cow in the nearby field was still chewing placidly on its cud.附近地里的牛仍在安静地反刍食物。He was longing for everyone to leave, so that he could think in peace about what had happened that day.他盼着每个人都离开,让他可以安静地想想那天发生的事。The children were reading quietly at their desks.这些小孩子在书桌前安静地看书。Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga.在聆听这个长篇传奇故事时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。Everyone in the room fell silent, and Miss Rogers dozed peacefully her chair.房间里的每个人都沉默了下来,而罗杰斯小姐则坐在椅子上安静地打瞌睡。Just sit quiet for a moment, there's a good boy.安静地坐一会儿,这才是好孩子。The rest of the trip passed in relative silence.剩下的旅程相对安静地度过了。The baby lay peacefully asleep in its cradle.婴儿躺在摇篮里安静地睡着了。Beth dozed peacefully until she was aroused by the dogs barking.贝思在安静地打盹,直到被狗叫声吵醒。The horses grazed peacefully.马在安静地吃草。I wish you children would sit still for 10 minutes.我希望你们这些孩子安静地坐十分钟不要动。Sarah lay there peacefully, the child nestling by her side.萨拉安静地躺在那儿,孩子偎依在她身边。She is content to live quietly by herself.她甘愿独自安静地生活。She retired and lived out the rest of her days quietly in the country.她退休了,在乡下安静地度过余生。The children quietly slumbered.孩子们安静地睡着了。He ate quietly, relishing his meal.安静地吃着,细细品味着食物。The teacher continued only when all the students were sitting quietly in their seats.当所有学生都在安静地坐在座位上以后,老师才继续讲课。We've been so busy that a quiet day at home was a welcome change.我们一直很忙,在家安静地歇一天是个不错的调整。They left quietly, without a fuss.他们安静地离开了,没有惊动任何人。My infant for once lay quiet in his cradle.我的婴儿这一次总算安静地躺在摇篮里。Now he slept quietly with his fathers.此刻他安静地躺在祖坟中。I decided to do a little quiet reading.我决定安静地读会儿书。The girls were still slumbering peacefully.女孩们还在安静地睡着。The crowd listened in awed silence.充满敬畏的人群安静地聆听。She was quietly reading in her room.她正在自己的房间里安静地看书。She sat quite still, listening for her baby's cry.安静地坐着,留神听宝宝有没有哭。




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