例句 |
The government should be guided by the criteria of efficiency and not State paternalism.政府应该以效率准则而非家长作风为主导。The whole place was the romantic vision of the paternalist local squire.整个地方都是这位家长作风的地方乡绅浪漫的空想。The doctor is being paternalistic. He's deciding what information the patient needs to know.这名医生的做法带有家长作风。哪些信息要告诉病人要由他来决定。IBM has always been a paternalistic employer.国际商用机器公司一直是个家长作风很强的雇主。The government should be guided by the criteria of efficiency and not State paternalism.政府应遵循高效原则,杜绝国家家长作风。 |