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词汇 家庭成员
例句 The family closed ranks to protect one of their own.这家人齐心合力保护一名家庭成员Members of the family helped in the nurture of the baby.家庭成员帮助养育那个婴儿。Only close family members are allowed to visit her.只有很亲近的家庭成员才允许探访她。He isn't on speaking terms with half of the family.他和一半家庭成员的关系都不好。The money should be shared out in equal portions between all members of the family.这笔钱应该在家庭成员中间平分。She encourages open communication between family members.她鼓励家庭成员之间坦诚沟通。Other members of the family have been brought in for questioning.其他家庭成员已经被带来接受盘问。What emerges is a complex picture of family rivalry.家庭成员间勾心斗角的复杂情况浮现出来。The secret was never revealed outside the family circle.这一秘密从未泄露给家庭成员以外的人。The whole family played their part.每个家庭成员都尽到了本分。Many American families are split by large geographical distances.美国许多家庭成员相互之间离得很远。There was a family dispute over who will run the restaurant.在谁来经营餐馆的问题上,家庭成员间产生了争执。All the family members need to have their own interests and recreations.所有的家庭成员都需要有自己的兴趣和休闲方式。The presence of the rest of the family made John's absence even more poignant.其他家庭成员的在场使约翰的缺席更加令人伤心。It was difficult to maintain contact with members of his extended family.与他的大家庭成员保持联系很困难。In the movie, a shot of the outside of the house segued neatly to/into a shot of the family inside the house.这部电影中,镜头自然地从室外切换到室内的家庭成员上。The book reexamines traditional family roles.这本书重新审视了家庭成员的传统角色。It is helpful for family members to gain a basic understanding of the illness.家庭成员了解这一疾病的基本知识很有帮助。Distribute jobs evenly among all family members.在所有家庭成员之间平均分配工作。Ties with extended kin vary from family to family.与大家庭成员的关系因家庭而异。He proudly presented his new wife to the rest of the family.他得意地将自己的新婚妻子介绍给其他家庭成员Holidays often serve to strengthen bonds between family members.节假日往往能增强家庭成员之间的联系。Family members can provide child care with love and without charge.家庭成员出于爱心可以免费照看孩子。As a result of the strike, neighbours and even families were soon at loggerheads.罢工使邻里之间,甚至是家庭成员之间很快产生了不和。He is the most extroverted member of the family.他是家庭成员中性格最外向的。Tickets are transferable between members of the same family.票证可转让给家庭成员使用。




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