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词汇 horrible
例句 It was horrible. There's really no other way to describe it.太可怕了。再没有别的方式来形容这件事了。The sight was so horrible that I had to look/turn away.这场面太可怕了,我不得不移开视线。I speak out about the removing of all these horrible drug laws.我主张废除所有这些恐怖的缉毒法。Why would anyone want to eat something so horrible?为什么会有人想吃这么可怕的东西?Their sofa is horrible – I wouldn't give it houseroom!他们的沙发难看极了,我才不要呢。Loneliness can be horrible, but it need not remain that way.孤独可能会很可怕,但也并非一定如此。The novel's plot is okay, but the writing is horrible.这部小说的情节还可以,但是写作方式很糟糕。A horrible odor assailed our noses. 一股难闻的气味扑鼻而来。That horrible building lowers the whole tone of the neighborhood.那栋难看的建筑物降低了周围的整体格调。Dracula, Frankenstein, and every horrible monster you could think of.德拉库拉、弗兰肯斯坦以及你能想到的任何恐怖的怪物。It's been absolutely horrible all day.一整天天气糟糕透了。The gum left a horrible metallic taste in my mouth.口香糖在我嘴里留下令人难受的金属腥味。Well, for a start, the weather was horrible.哦,首先,天气很糟。What a horrible man!多么可怕的男人!The kind of treatment that you have to put up with as a new army recruit is pretty horrible.作为新兵所要忍受的那种对待非常可怕。Obviously, it is horrible to think nobody likes you.显然,想到没人喜欢自己是很可怕的。Have you ever come across such a horrible person in all your life?你一生中遇到过这么可怕的人吗?Whiting died a horrible death.怀廷死得很可怕。The weather has been really horrible all week.整个星期天气都很糟。Suddenly a horrible thought came into my mind.突然一个可怕的想法闯进我的脑海。My sister has always been horrible to me.我姐姐一直对我很凶。The crowd fell silent as the horrible news was read aloud.当听到这则可怕的消息时,大家都安静了下来。I've had a horrible day at work.今天的工作令我很不愉快。The coffee is horrible - really weak and watery.这咖啡味道不好—很淡,像水一样。She had a horrible feeling in her stomach.她感觉肚子很难受。When Paola failed to phone, John had a horrible premonition that she was in danger.葆拉没有打电话来,于是约翰有一种可怕的预感:她有危险。He realized that he had made a horrible mistake.他意识到自己犯了个严重的错误。The accident scene was so horrible that I had to look away.事故现场可怕得我只有掉转头不去看。What a horrible smell!这味道真难闻!It's so horrible it doesn't bear thinking about! 太恐怖了,我想都不敢想!Hattie was so horrible to her.哈蒂对她很不友善。What's that horrible smell?是什么气味这么难闻?The horrible things I saw made my skin crawl/creep. 看到这些可怕的东西,我浑身都起鸡皮疙瘩了。Unless you respect other people's religions, horrible mistakes and conflict will occur.如果不尊重别人的宗教信仰,就会祷下大错,酿成冲突。Still the horrible shrieking came out of his mouth.他的嘴里还是发出了恐怖的尖叫声。That seems like a horrible mess that will drag on for years.看起来那像是个会拖延多年的大烂摊子。The medicine tasted horrible.这药真难吃。It's just horrible thinking about it.想到这一点确实可怕。She was tricked out in a horrible, brightly colored costume.她穿了一身难看的、艳俗的衣服。I think I'll go out if you're just going to be horrible to me.你要是对我凶巴巴的,我就出去。




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