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词汇 horns
例句 The French horns join with the xylophone to provide a fill-in phrase.法国号与木琴在一起奏出了一节插入的乐段。Close behind him appeared an animal with horns and cloven hooves.紧跟在他身后出现了一个带角的分趾蹄动物。The UK Government is caught on the horns of a dilemma.英国政府陷入了左右为难的境地。Your hair is sticking up - it looks like you're sprouting horns!你的头发竖起来了——看上去跟长了角似的!I was on the horns of a dilemma when I was offered another job.人家又给了我一个工作,我不由得进退两难。If we don't get some extra money from somewhere we shall have to draw in our horns pretty sharply.要是我们不能从别的地方弄到钱,那就只好赶紧打退堂鼓了。These noises were made chiefly with klaxon horns.这些噪音主要是汽车喇叭造成的。She decided to take the bull by the horns and try to solve the problem without any further delay.她决定迎难而上,立即努力解决这个问题。Huge trucks rushed past with their horns blaring.巨型卡车刺耳地鸣着喇叭飞弛而过。Helena decided to take the bull by the horns and organize the show herself.海伦娜决心果敢地解决这一问题,由自己来组织这场演出。Whenever I start to talk, he always horns in.我一开口,他就插嘴。She dreamed that her boss had sprouted horns.她梦见老板头上长出了角。The bad economic news has caused many investors to pull in their horns.经济的负面消息使许多投资者更为谨慎了。Several horns honked impatiently.好几个喇叭不耐烦地响了起来。Car horns toot as cyclists dart through the traffic.骑车人在车流中急速穿行,引得汽车喇叭嘟嘟响成一片。Nora decided to take the bull by the horns and organize things for herself.诺拉决定挺身面对困难,由自己来安排事情。The young goat was just beginning to grow horns.那头小山羊刚开始长角。During the traffic jam the blare of car horns was deafening.交通堵塞时汽车喇叭声震耳欲聋。A bull, finding a lion's whelp asleep, gored him to death with his horns.一只公牛发现一只狮子的幼兽在睡觉,便用角把它牴死了。All the other drivers were tooting their horns and yelling at me to move my car.其他司机都按着喇叭,大声叫嚷着要我把车开走。Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic.骑车人危险地在车流中飞速穿行时,汽车喇叭的嘟嘟声响成一片。He always horns in on the conversation.他总是打断别人的交谈。Drivers honked their horns in solidarity with the peace marchers.司机按响汽车喇叭,支持反战示威游行者。Customers are drawing in their horns at a time of high interest rates.消费者在高利率时期都在紧缩开支。People set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.人们点燃烟花,按响汽车喇叭。The bird is caught on the horns of a dilemma. Should it attack the predator, even though it then risks its own life? Or should it get out while the going is good?这只鸟进退维谷。是应该冒着生命危险攻击捕食者呢?还是应该及早逃命?The two stags interlocked their horns while fighting.两头牡鹿鹿角勾缠在一起相斗。Berlin people drank champagne, set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.柏林市民喝香槟、放焰火、鸣车笛。The stag frayed its horns against a tree.牡鹿在树上磨角。The animal's horns are slightly curved.这种动物的角微微弯曲。The male deer grows large, branching horns called antlers.雄鹿头上长着分岔的大角,即鹿角。I decided to take the bull by the horns and ask him to leave.我决定大胆地直接叫他离开。He'll have to draw in his horns now he's lost his job.由于丢掉了工作他将不得不减少开支。The matador was impaled by the bull's horns. = The matador was impaled on the bull's horns.那个斗牛士被公牛的角戳伤了。Passing motorists honked their horns.路过的司机都按响了喇叭。Now is the time for the Chancellor to take the bull by the horns and announce a two per cent cut in interest rates.现在是财政大臣迎难而上,宣布利率下调两个百分点的时候了。The band have now locked horns with their record company over the album.乐队现在为专辑的事和他们的唱片公司吵得不可开交。Two long horns project from the bull's head.公牛头上伸出两只长角。Why don't you take the bull by the horns and tell him to leave?你为什么不当机立断,直接让他离开?Cars swerved, horns blared, tyres screeched.汽车纷纷急转弯,喇叭声大作,轮胎发出刺耳的磨地声。




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