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词汇 horribly
例句 Zoe felt horribly anxious but managed to force a strained smile.佐薇感到极其焦虑不安,但尽力挤出一丝勉强的微笑。Everything has gone horribly wrong.一切都变得糟透了。The language is foul and the violence horribly realistic.语言污秽,暴力场面非常写实。Some friends of his found the play horribly offensive.他的一些朋友觉得该剧非常让人反感。When she didn't come back, we feared that something had gone horribly wrong. 她没回来,我们都担心出大事了。I have a nagging doubt that it is all going to go horribly wrong.我一直都怀疑这一切就要出大差错了。The letter showed horribly clearly the workings of a twisted mind.那封信非常清楚地表明了一个变态者的思维方式。Her face was horribly scarred.她的脸上有难看的疤。He was horribly disfigured in the fire.他在火灾中严重毁容。The walls have been horribly vandalized with spray paint.墙上被人用喷漆涂得乱七八糟。She was horribly disfigured by burns.她的脸因烧伤而变得惨不忍睹。The violence is horribly realistic.暴力场景逼真得吓人。The version of the play that I saw had been horribly bowdlerized.我所看到的这部戏的版本已被删改得面目全非。Things seemed to be going horribly wrong.情况似乎很严重。The little baby's lids, half-raised, showed the pupils horribly upturned.婴儿的眼皮半开,可怕地露出向上翘著的瞳孔。The storyline is fatally compromised by an ending that leaves you feeling horribly cheated.故事结尾让人很失望,这样的结尾严重削弱了故事情节。A two-year-old boy was horribly murdered.一名两岁男孩惨遭杀害。Something had gone horribly wrong.有个地方出现了严重问题。Two dogs attacked him, leaving him horribly disfigured.两条狗袭击了他,导致他面容全毁。I got horribly drunk once at college and that was enough - I learned my lesson.我上大学时有一次喝酒醉得很厉害,那一次就够了——以后我就接受教训了。You got horribly drunk.你已经酩酊大醉了。The walls had been horribly vandalized with spray paint.墙壁被用喷漆喷得一塌糊涂。Their plans went horribly wrong.他们的计划进行得一塌糊涂。Choosing a dry cleaner can be like a horribly expensive lucky dip.选择干洗店就如同一次代价非常昂贵的冒险。To Thomas, her laugh sounded horribly like a growl.对托马斯来说,她的笑声像吼叫,很吓人。The letter showed horribly clearly the workings of a twisted mind.这封信非常清楚地显示了一个心理扭曲者的恐怖内心。But this water seems dead: it's polluted and horribly stagnant.但这似乎是一潭死水:受了污染而且恶臭无比。Our plans have gone horribly wrong.我们的计划出了大岔子。The relationship has gone horribly wrong.关系恶化到不可收拾。He was horribly upset over her illness.他为她的病而忧心忡忡。His face was horribly scarred.他的脸上留下了可怕的疤痕。The man began to scream horribly.那人开始可怕地尖叫起来。The fire left her horribly disfigured.那场大火使她严重毁容。When trouble comes they behave selfishly and horribly.有麻烦时,他们表现得很自私,很差劲。




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