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词汇 客观
例句 He has had time to cool down and look at what happened more objectively.他已经冷静了一段时间,能更加客观地看待所发生的事情。They go about their deliberations in a calm and dispassionate way.他们冷静而客观地进行商讨。Historians should strive after objectivity.历史学家应当力求做到客观It's at this stage that the patients can get things out of perspective.就是在这个阶段病人无法对事情进行客观的判断。We need someone outside the company to give us an objective analysis.我们需要公司外部的人给我们一个客观的分析。They offer impartial advice on contraception.他们提供公正客观的避孕建议。She is too biased to write about the case objectively.她对这个事件偏见太深,没法客观地描写。It is written in a detached, precise style.行文冷静客观,一针见血。He sounded clinically objective, as if the question were merely academic.他听上去客观超脱,就好像这只是个学术问题。It's time they took a cold, hard look at the situation.他们是该客观严肃地审时度势了。He was simply a victim of circumstance.他不过是个客观环境的牺牲品。Circumstances dictate that I should leave this town forever.客观形势决定我应该永远离开这座小镇。It's easy to lose your objectivity when you're in love.恋爱中的人很容易失去客观的判断能力。I would really like to have your objective opinion on this.我很想听听你对此事的客观见解。I am fairly objective and not given to impulsive actions.客观公正,而且不会感情用事。They were victims of circumstance.他们是客观环境的牺牲品。The report purports to be objective. 这篇报道自称是客观的。A lawyer should provide disinterested advice.律师应该提供客观公正的建议。Scientists need to be objective when doing research.科学家作研究时要客观The reporting in the papers is entirely partial and makes no attempt to be objective.报纸上的报道完全不客观,而且也没打算保持客观I think we should keep things entirely impersonal.我认为咱们应该保持对事不对人的客观态度。Try to view situations more objectively.尽量更加客观地审视形势。You need ruthless intellectual honesty about your own skills, weaknesses and motives.你要客观理智地分析自己的技能、缺点和动机。We must be as impersonal as a surgeon with his knife.我们必须像外科医生拿手术刀时一样冷静客观,不受任何感情影响。He gave a matter-of-fact account of the murder.客观冷静地描述了谋杀案。Is it really possible to measure the skills of such jobs according to objective standards?真的可以用客观的标准来衡量这类工作的技能吗?I need objective advice from someone with no axe to grind.我需要公正无私的人给我一些客观的建议。He was a victim of circumstances.他是客观环境的牺牲品。I can outline your aims objectively.我能客观地概括你的宗旨。The judges show impartiality and detachment.这些法官表现得不偏不倚,冷静客观It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective.这有助于他们从所面临的问题中跳出来,变得更客观An objective set of rules which we all agree to accept is necessary for any ordered society.任何井然有序的社会都需要一套为大家所接受的、客观公正的规则。The organ had enlarged objectively.客观地看,器官已经变大了。A report is generally an objective description rather than a statement of opinion.报告一般是客观描述而不是观点的陈述。He made an impersonal comment on the incident.他对那一事件作了客观的评论。She described what had happened in a cold and detached manner.她以冷静客观的态度叙述了发生的事情。Look at your skills objectively when deciding on a career change.在决定改行时要客观地考虑自己的技能。It judges objectively, but the objective doesn't concern the artist.评判很客观,但客观事实与艺术家无关。I can't really be objective when I'm judging my daughter's work.评价自己女儿的作品时,我的确无法做到客观We need someone who is able to stand back and take a detached view.我们需要有人能够置身事外,看法客观超脱。




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