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词汇 chairs
例句 There were plenty of chairs set out for the guests.摆给客人们坐的椅子多得很。They caned chairs and made mattresses.他们编椅子,也做床垫。The chairs were placed in a semicircular arrangement.椅子被摆成了半圆形。The chairs have padded seats.这些椅子的坐面有软垫。We have too many chairs. I must have miscalculated.我们的椅子太多,我肯定算错了。I'll start stacking the chairs.我来把椅子叠起来。Baxter walked between the rows of chairs.巴克斯特在一排排椅子间穿行。All the chairs matched.所有椅子都是配套的。Pick up your chairs, children. Don't drag them along the floor.抬起椅子,孩子们。别在地板上拖。The guards/chairs were not in their proper places.警卫/椅子没在应该在的位置。Their junk shop was full of chairs, trunks, ornaments, and other miscellaneous objects.他们的旧货商店里满是些椅子、大箱子、装饰品和其他各种各样的东西。We'll try to find room for the chairs in our attic.我们会想办法在阁楼里找到放这些椅子的地方。We have enough chairs for everyone.我们有足够的椅子让大家坐。The table is a companion piece to the two chairs.这张桌子是跟那两把椅子配套的。The table and chairs cost two weeks' wages.这套桌椅花了两个星期的工资。We'll need to arrange the chairs around the table.我们要把椅子摆在桌子四周。Some of these chairs have flattened feet which spread the load on the ground.这些椅子中有平腿的,将负荷分散到地面。The chairs were placed upside down on the tables.那些椅子倒放在桌上。Rioters hurled chairs through the windows.聚众闹事者把椅子扔到窗外。We haven't christened the new garden chairs yet.我们还未用过这些新的花园用椅。He lived in a room with only two chairs, a bed, and a table.他住的房间里只有两把椅子、一张床和一个桌子。If we turn the table around we can fit more chairs in the room.如果我们把桌子转个向,就可以在房间里放下更多椅子了。The chairs were comfortable, functional and free of ornamentation.这些椅子舒适实用,而且看上去不显花哨。Between the two chairs stood a low table.两把椅子中间放着一张矮几。There was nothing in his office except for a few battered chairs.他的办公室里除了几张破椅子外空无一物。Rocks and stumps supplied the place of chairs at the picnic.岩石和树桩被用作野餐的椅子。I plunked down on one of the small metal chairs.我一屁股坐在其中一把金属小椅子上。All chairs collapse for easy storage.所有的椅子折叠起来以方便存放。New additions to the library include reading lamps and comfortable chairs.图书馆新添的设备有台灯和舒适的椅子等。We had no chairs so we had to make shift with old boxes.我们没有椅子,于是不得不将就应付一下,用旧箱子当椅子用。They made us sit on these silly little chairs.他们让我们坐在这些可笑的小椅子上。Cushions were scattered about on the chairs.垫子散放在椅子上。The office is minute, with barely room for a desk and two chairs.那间办公室极小,空间勉强够摆一张写字台和两把椅子。The terrorists tied the hostages to their chairs.恐怖分子把人质绑在椅子上。The salon has seven chairs in a colourful, baroque interior.客厅里摆着七把绚丽的巴罗克式椅子。There are six chairs in the dining room.饭厅里有六把椅子。I scraped one of the chairs while bringing it up the stairs.我搬椅子上楼时刮坏了其中一把。Landfill sites provide a dumping ground for old mattresses, broken chairs as well as household waste.垃圾填埋场不但是倾倒家庭垃圾的地方,也成了弃置旧床垫和破椅子的地方。These patio chairs will fold flat for storage.这些花园坐椅可以折叠起来存放。Several men are pushing school desks and chairs into neat rows.几个人正挪动学校的桌椅,将它们排整齐。




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