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They kept skipping from one topic to another and didn't get much done.他们不断从一个话题跳到另一个话题,并未深入谈什么。The team was undeterred by their recent losses.球队并未因最近几场失利而气馁。Your criticisms appear to be off the mark.你的批评似乎并未切中要害。Mr Hall is noncommittal about the number of jobs that the development corporation has created.霍尔先生并未明确说明开发公司已创造的岗位数量。Many large Third World cities have arisen unaccompanied by national industrial growth.第三世界国家许多大城市的兴起并未伴之以全国性工业增长。The cut in the interest rates has not had very much impact in California for two reasons. First of all, banks are still afraid to loan.降息在加利福尼亚并未产生多大影响,原因有二。首先,银行仍然不敢放贷。The soldiers concerned were unarmed at the time.有关士兵当时并未携带武器。Though they lost, they gave last year's champions a run for their money.尽管他们输了,但他们并未让去年的冠军轻松赢得比赛。The cause of Socialism is not dead.社会主义理想并未破灭。She does not seem au désespoir.她似乎并未陷于绝望。I didn't have much discomfort after the operation.手术后我并未觉得很不舒服。The quality of mercy has not been adulterated with easy tears.怜悯之情并未伴以廉价的泪水而减其真诚。The story isn't in earlier editions of the papers.这件事在前几期的报纸上并未见报道。The protests have failed partly because the opposition politicians are no great shakes.抗议失败了,部分原因是因为反对派政治家们并未发挥积极作用。The anthology does not cover the whole gamut of Scottish poetry.该诗集并未涵盖所有苏格兰诗歌。News organizations have been warned not to cry wolf. If people hear too many warnings that turn out to be nothing, they won't listen to the important warnings when they come.新闻机构被警告不能发虚假警报。如果人们听了太多并未成为事实的警告,一旦真有重要警告时,他们就不会相信了。His unusual management style does not inspire confidence. 他那不寻常的管理风格并未能博得大家的信任。There are no nudist areas and topless sunbathing is only allowed on a few beaches.并未为裸体主义者划定专用区域,并且仅有几个海滩允许无上装日光浴。The book excited very little comment.这本书并未引起多大反响。Its styling isn't derivative of any other car currently on the market.这一款式并未借鉴目前市场上其他车型的设计。Unless I'm mistaken, he didn't specify what time.他并未说明具体时间,除非我记错了。Her last film didn't exactly set the world on fire.她的上一部电影并未引起轰动。Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.人们试图将特定的语言功能与大脑的特定部位相关联,但至今并未取得太大进展。Mr Steele has committed no crime and poses no danger to the public.斯蒂尔先生没有犯罪,并未对公众构成危害。Attempts to ginger up the tennis club's social nights proved unsuccessful.打算带动网球俱乐部社交晚会气氛的尝试并未奏效。Developers have agreed to buy the site for an undisclosed sum.开发商同意买下那块地,具体金额并未披露。She doesn't take such things lightly. 她并未把这些事看得很淡。This has not stopped Senator Biden and company from trying to make it an issue in the election.这并未阻止参议员拜登一伙在大选时对此大做文章。Mrs Maughan did not enlarge on what she meant.莫恩夫人并未细说她是什么意思。My handout has changed, but I didn't make any changes.我的讲义已经更改,但我并未进行任何更改操作。That politician was not finished. He might come back some day.那个政治家并未完蛋,有朝一日他可能卷土重来。The album sees them reliving past glories but not really breaking any new ground.这张专辑让他们重温昔日的辉煌,但并未取得任何新的突破。Sales did not seem unduly affected.销售似乎并未受到过分的影响。The issue did not appear on the order paper as expected.那个问题并未如预期的那样出现在议事日程中。His condition failed to respond to the treatment.他的病情并未因治疗而好转。His face was unmarked by the accident.他的脸并未因这次事故留下伤疤。This event did not unseal her lips.这件事并未使她开口讲话。Correction for the difference in age did not affect the result.校正年龄差异并未对结果产生影响。He disliked the project but had not actively obstructed it.他不喜欢这项工程,但并未主动去阻碍它。She evinced no surprise at seeing them together.她看到他们在一起并未表露出惊讶。 |