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例句 Gradually he came to understand and accept his own sexuality.渐渐地,他开始能理解并接受自己的性兴趣。She decided to become a Christian and was baptized.她决定成为基督徒并接受了洗礼。He was arrested and is in the dock on charges of assault and battery.他因被指控施暴和殴打而被捕并接受审讯。Evidence is given on oath and witnesses are subject to cross-examination.证人宣誓后作证,并接受盘问。He has agreed to waive his diplomatic immunity and face prosecution.他已经同意放弃外交豁免并接受刑事起诉。At this time she decided to become a Christian and was baptised.她此时决定成为基督教徒并接受了浸礼。They distanced themselves from the upper class and adopted a communist ideology.他们与上流阶层疏远并接受了共产主义思想。He had to reorient and come to terms with this situation.他非重新适应并接受这一局面不可。Do you turn to Jesus Christ our Lord and accept him as your Saviour?你愿意相信耶稣基督并接受他为你的救世主吗?The company offers flights to Amsterdam with onward travel to The Hague.这家公司提供飞往阿姆斯特丹并接续飞往海牙的航班。I have to accept and realize my faults.我不得不承认并接受我的缺点。For me, recovery has been all about finding my inner child and accepting her.对我来说,康复就是找到并接受自己内心孩子般的情感。




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