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词汇 孩子
例句 The kids seem very pleased with themselves.那些孩子看来对自己非常满意。She brought up two children while pursuing a college education.她一边养育两个孩子一边念大学。The children huddled together like a flock of sheep.那些孩子像一群羊一样挤在一起。Children have to learn the difference between right and wrong.孩子必须学习辨别是非。Do you have any old magazines the kids can cut up?你有没有什么旧的杂志让孩子剪剪?The teacher was at fault for not telling the child's parents.老师错在没有告知孩子的父母。She expressed pride in her child's achievement.她表达了对孩子成绩的自豪。He took a lot of flak from the other kids for his unusual appearance.他不同寻常的外表遭到其他孩子很不客气的抨击It appalls me to think of the way those children have been treated.想到这些孩子的遭遇,我非常震惊。Even the most caring parents will sometimes make unreasonable demands on their children.连最疼爱孩子的父母有时也会对孩子提出不合理的要求。His son was a junkie, the kid OD'd a year ago.他儿子是个吸毒者,这孩子一年前吸食了过量毒品。The child was clearly unaware of the danger.孩子显然未意识到有危险。Divorce can scar a child for life. = Divorce can leave a child scarred for life.离婚可能给孩子留下一生的创伤。Those children have such dreadful manners.那些孩子的礼仪太差。Interestingly, none of their three children ever married.有趣的是,他们的三个孩子都没有结婚。She advanced the theory that children learn more from their friends than from their parents.她提出了这样的理论:孩子从朋友那里学到的东西比从父母那里学到的要多。She has infinite patience when she's dealing with children.孩子打交道时,她有着极大的耐性。I soothed the child off to sleep.我已把孩子哄睡了。The other kids were making fun of me.其他孩子在取笑我。I want to have a baby.我想生个孩子The other kids laughed at him and called him a sissy because he didn't like sports.因为他不喜欢体育运动,其他孩子都嘲笑他,叫他小娘们。She worked miracles with those kids. 她在那些孩子的身上创造了奇迹。The child's behavioural problems have become more noticeable.孩子行为上的问题已经变得愈发明显。Both her children are now married with children of their own.她的两个孩子都结了婚,有了自己的孩子She sank into a settled gloom after her child's death.她在孩子死后陷入深深的忧伤而不能自拔。The agency has overseen the placement of hundreds of children in loving homes.这家服务机构已经监管了几百名孩子在爱心之家的安置。The child's face was framed by brown curls.棕色的鬈发衬着孩子的脸庞。She stopped her tenure clock twice to raise two children.她为了养育两个孩子而两次中断终身教职时钟。Their parents only stayed together for the sake of the children.他们的父母仅仅是为了孩子才没有分开。I can see no merit in excluding the child from school.我看不出开除这个孩子的学籍有什么好处。He came to Saudi Arabia, leaving behind his wife and their three children.他抛下妻子和三个孩子来到了沙特阿拉伯。Some children will bite and kick when they get angry.有些孩子生气时会又咬又踢。I used to go there frequently as a child.我还是孩子的时候经常到那里去。The child ate three ice creams today.孩子今天吃了三个冰淇淋。He became so besotted with her that even his children were forgotten.他被她迷得神魂颠倒,连孩子都抛到了九霄云外。She's pregnant with their first child.她怀上了他们的第一个孩子She ran out on her husband and children to be with a man old enough to be her father.她抛弃了丈夫和孩子,跟一个老得可以当她父亲的男人跑了。Draw your child's outline with a heavy black marker.用浓黑色的毡笔画出你孩子的轮廓。She settled a small yearly sum on each of her children.她每年给她每个孩子一小笔钱。The children are well-behaved and keen to learn.这些孩子既乖又好学。




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