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词汇 学生时代
例句 They've been good mates ever since they were at school together.学生时代起他们就是好朋友。The incident waked memories of his schooldays.那件事勾起了他对学生时代的回忆。He was happily married to a girl he had known since his schooldays.他与一个学生时代就认识的女孩幸福地结婚了。He remembered his school days with loathing.回想自己的学生时代,他心中充满厌恶。She's a great one for telling stories about her schooldays.她很喜欢讲她学生时代的故事。In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays.在其自传中,她偶尔提及了她不快乐的学生时代The two of them were pretty tight at school.他们俩在学生时代关系非常亲密。My own schooldays prejudiced me against all formal education.我自己的学生时代经历使我对所有的正规教育产生了偏见。As a student, Lisa had hitched across the States.学生时代的莉萨搭便车周游了美国。I had written quite a lot of orchestral music in my student days.我在学生时代创作过很多管弦乐作品。Did you learn anything in your day, as a student?你在学生时代学到什么东西了吗?She knew that her feeling of awkwardness in social situations was a hangover from her schooldays她知道自己在社交场合的尴尬感是从学生时代遗留下来的。Are you still in touch with any of your old school friends?你还和以前学生时代的老朋友有联系吗?I wish I could go back to my school days.我希望能回到过去的学生时代We've been mates since our school days.我们从学生时代起就是朋友。I went on lots of demos as a student.我在学生时代参加过很多次游行。Why do people idealize their school days?人们为什么会把他们的学生时代理想化呢?He thought back to his time as a student and felt no nostalgia for any of it.他回想起学生时代,却没有怀念之情。Their friendship goes back to when they were at school together.他们的友谊可追溯到学生时代I remember my carefree student days.我还记得我那无忧无虑的学生时代While I didn't know him all that well when we were students, I do remember him as a brilliant musician.虽然学生时代我和他没那么熟,但我的确记得他在音乐方面很有才华。Simon's face grew wistful as he thought about his happy student days.西蒙回忆起学生时代的快乐日子,脸上怅然若失。I still remember my student days.我仍然记得我的学生时代He was my close associate at school.他是我学生时代的亲密伙伴。Dan thought back to those carefree days when he was a student.丹回忆起学生时代那些无忧无虑的日子。School days are said to be the happiest days of your life.学生时代据说是一生中最快乐的时光。She worked hard in her student days.学生时代她很用功。I wondered whether there might, after all, be some truth in the old chestnut that one's school days are the happiest of one's life.老话说学生时代是人一生中最幸福的时光,我在想这话是否有些道理。This feeling was a hangover from her schooldays.这种感受是她学生时代遗留下来的。At school we often had to copy out whole chapters from the Bible.学生时代,我们常常得整章整章地抄写《圣经》。I have never subscribed to the view that schooldays are the happiest days of your life.我从未赞同过学生时代是一生中最快乐的日子这种看法。The friendships formed in her schooldays proved to be the most enduring.她在学生时代结下的友谊后来被证明是最为持久的。




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