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词汇 嫁给
例句 My parents want me to meet a nice boy and get married.我父母希望我遇上个好青年,然后嫁给他。She married Norwegian immigrant Niels Larsen, who later anglicized his name.嫁给了挪威移民尼尔斯•拉尔森,后来他把自己名字的发音英语化了。George's sister was married to an Italian.乔治的姐姐嫁给了一个意大利人。She led him on to think that she would eventually marry him.她使他误认为她最终将会嫁给他。She paused before consenting to marry him.她在同意嫁给他前曾犹豫不定。She married the first man she met, to escape from her father.为了摆脱父亲,她嫁给了她所遇到的第一个男人。She told him plainly that she had no intention of marrying him.她坦率地告诉他自己不打算嫁给他。Rumour had it that she only married him for his money.听说她嫁给他只是为了他的钱。Luke wants me to marry him.卢克希望我嫁给她。She'd married some American and settled down over there.嫁给了一位美国人,并在那边定居了。She had promised to marry him, but took fright at the last moment.她答应嫁给他,但是到了最后一刻又畏缩了。She married a lord.嫁给了一个贵族。Her father said he'd disinherit her if she married Stephen.她父亲说如果她嫁给斯蒂芬就会剥夺她的财产继承权。For her, marrying a rich man was just a means to an end. All she really cared about was money.对她来说,嫁给富人只是达到目的的手段。她真正想要的是金钱。I wasn't made to marry a poor man.我可不想嫁给一个穷人。She is married to a brutish, drunken slob.嫁给了一个野蛮的酒鬼。He absolutely adored her and was heartbroken when she married someone else.他对她十分倾慕,当她嫁给别人时,他非常伤心。She married a man seven years her junior.嫁给了一个比她小七岁的男人。How did it come about that she married an awful man like that?她怎么会嫁给这样一个讨厌的人?She said she wouldn't marry him if he were the last man on earth.她说即使他是世界上最后一个男人,她也不会嫁给他。She was once married to a well-known football star.她曾嫁给一位著名的足球明星。She offered her hand in marriage to him. 她愿意嫁给他。Because of the scandal Roberta was married off to a stranger and sent away from Rome.由于这件丑事,罗伯塔被嫁给了一个陌生人并被送离了罗马。It is easy to see why she didn't marry him.她为什么没嫁给他,原因不难理解。Sir Giles's only daughter was married to a knight who held land in Devon.贾尔斯爵士唯一的女儿嫁给了一个在德文郡拥有地产的爵士。By a strange quirk of fate, she later married the first boyfriend she'd ever had.由于命运不可思议的安排,她后来嫁给了她的第一任男朋友。She's marrying him out of sheer perversity.嫁给他纯粹是任性。One obvious solution was to marry her to the future Edward VI.一个十分合适的解决方法是把她嫁给未来的爱德华六世。It's tough being married to a cop.嫁给一个警察日子不好过。Marry that fat son of a fat cattle dealer? She would die first!嫁给那个大腹便便的牛贩子的胖儿子?她宁愿去死!She kept him in suspense for two whole days before she agreed to marry him.她让他焦急地等了整整两天,才答应嫁给他。My cousin hopes to marry money.我表妹希望能嫁给有钱人。She regrets marrying that do-nothing.她很后悔嫁给那个无所事事的人。It is very unwise for the girl to marry him.这女孩嫁给他是很不明智的。She married a man of noble birth/rank.嫁给了一个贵族男子。She's just stringing you along – she won't marry you.她只是想吊着你,她是不会嫁给你的。She married a pharmacist who comes from Bolton.嫁给了一位来自博尔顿的药剂师。She quarreled with Paul and then married Peter on the rebound.她跟保罗吵翻了,一气之下就嫁给了彼得。Emily had refused to marry him on account of his looks.埃米莉因为他的长相而拒绝嫁给他。She married an American and became a US citizen.嫁给了一个美国人而成为美国公民。




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