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Andy Wilkinson chalked up his first win of the season.安迪·威尔金森取得了本赛季个人的第一场胜利。I introduced Mr Wilkinson to my mother, and within minutes she had him eating out of her hand.我跟母亲介绍了威尔金森先生。没几分钟,她就使他言听计从了。Howard Wilkinson has come up with an absolute corker of an idea.霍华德·威尔金森想出了一个绝佳的主意。Clarke kept talking the price up, while Wilkinson kept knocking it down.克拉克不断把价格向上抬,而威尔金森则不断往下压。Wilkinson's performance earned him his call-up for Saturday's match against Italy.威尔金森的表现为他赢得了参加星期六与意大利队比赛的资格。Evans was just able to touch the ball away from Wilkinson.埃文斯刚好把球从威尔金森脚下踢开了。Miss Wilkinson was never satisfied with her lot in life.威尔金森小姐对自己的命运从未满意过。 |