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I want you to move into my apartment. We've a spare room.我想让你住进我的公寓,我们还有一个空房间。I still haven't finished painting the spare room.我还没粉刷完那间空房间。There is a vacancy on the tenth floor.第十层楼上有一个空房间。She was opening windows and shutters to air the empty rooms.她正把窗户和百叶窗打开,让空房间通通风。If we clear out the spare room, you can use it as a study.要是我们清理出这间空房间,你可以把它当书房用。My footsteps echoed across the empty room.我的脚步声在空房间里回响。They have three empty rooms now that the kids have moved out.孩子们都搬出去了,现在他们有三个空房间。 |