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词汇 空座位
例句 He tossed his bag onto an empty seat.他把包扔到空座位上。I think there's an empty seat in the back row.我想后排有个空座位吧。He carried her bodily past the rows of empty seats.他把她整个儿抱起来,走过一排排空座位Are there any unoccupied seats in that row?那一排还有空座位吗?The only free seats on the train were in a smoking compartment.火车上仅有的空座位是在吸烟区。There are some spare seats up front.最前面还有一些空座位As luck would have it, there was one seat left.碰巧还有一个空座位Sheets of corrugated iron were blown off Birmingham City's stadium roof and crashed on to empty seats.伯明翰市体育场顶棚的瓦楞铁皮被风吹掉,哗啦啦落到了体育场内的空座位上。There were still some empty seats in the stands.看台上还有几个空座位




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