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词汇 威尔逊
例句 Woodrow Wilson hoped the League of Nations would replace power politics with international cooperation.伍德罗•威尔逊希望国际联盟能以国际合作取代强权政治。Mr Wilson is no soft touch.威尔逊先生不会轻易借钱给别人。Wilson was not a man who dealt with petty officials.威尔逊不是个与小官小吏打交道的人。They tried to pin the blame on Wilson.他们试图把责任推给威尔逊Wilson hoped his chance discovery would benefit poor families in developing nations.威尔逊希望自己的偶然发现会造福发展中国家的穷苦家庭。Wilson will give the introductory speech at the education conference.威尔逊将于教育大会上致开幕词。The subject did not even rate a mention in Mr. Wilson's speech.那题目在威尔逊先生的演讲中甚至不值一提。Wilson's intention is to rebuild his career and put distance between himself and his reputation.威尔逊打算东山再起,并让自己远离虚名浮誉。Wilson spent his childhood on a farm in Ireland.威尔逊的童年是在爱尔兰的一个农场里度过的。The Wilsons were coming back from holiday today, and I was dreading telling them what had happened while they were away.威尔逊一家今天要度假回来了,我不敢把他们外出时发生的事告诉他们。She used to be Susan Brown, but her married name is Susan Wilson.她原来叫苏珊·布朗,但现在她的婚后名是苏珊·威尔逊He does Harold Wilson very well.他学哈罗德·威尔逊的样子,学得很像。Wilson drew me aside after an interview.采访后威尔逊把我拉到了一边。The screenplay for 'Gabriel Over the White House' is credited to Carey Wilson.电影《天使降临白宫》的剧本出自凯里·威尔逊之手。Prison officials relented and allowed Wilson to receive visits from his family.监狱的官员动了恻隐之心,允许威尔逊接受家人探访。The technique Mr Wilson uses most often is to juxtapose things for dramatic effect.威尔逊先生最常用的手法是将事物放在一起,以产生戏剧化的效果。Wilson was sentenced to die for kidnapping.威尔逊因绑架罪被判处死刑。He noticed a memo from the chairman on Wilson's desk.他注意到威尔逊的书桌上有张董事长留的便条。Some of Wilson's eccentricities are beginning to wear thin.人们逐渐对威尔逊的古怪行为失去了兴趣。Ms. Wilson was publicly identified as a CIA operative.威尔逊女士被公开指认为中情局特工。He snapped his fingers, and Wilson produced a sheet of paper.他打了个响指,威尔逊便递过一张纸来。Mr Wilson is no soft touch…威尔逊先生绝不会轻易借钱给别人。Wilson was convicted of theft and handling stolen goods.威尔逊因为行窃和买卖赃物被定罪。The protesters chanted, blew whistles and hooted at the name of Governor Pete Wilson.抗议者喊着口号、吹着哨子,并大声尖叫着皮特·威尔逊州长的名字。Wilson went up and knocked on the door.威尔逊走上前去敲门。Mrs. Wilson, I'm going to give you an injection to help you relax.威尔逊太太,我要给你打一针来帮助你放松。There was complete understanding between Wilson and myself.我和威尔逊之间完全能够彼此理解,相互信任。Wilson charged the drinks to his room.威尔逊把酒钱记在他的房费里。I think I'll write in Pat Wilson.我想我要在选票上加写上帕特·威尔逊Sergeant Wilson had pulled parking-lot duty.威尔逊警官曾在停车场值勤。The thieves cased Wilson's house before the robbery.那些盗贼在抢劫前窥探了威尔逊的住宅。Wilson carefully cultivated a reputation for moderation.威尔逊潜心经营了自己温和克制的名声。Wilson is accused of murdering his daughter and her boyfriend.威尔逊被控杀死了自己的女儿和其男友。Lady Wilson had views on everything and didn't scruple to air them.威尔逊女士对一切事物都有自己的看法,而且会毫无顾忌地表达出来。Evelyn Waugh came to Wilson's defence and acknowledged the brilliance of the book's themes.伊夫林·沃站出来为威尔逊辩护,认为这部小说的主题非同凡响。A paramedic ambulance crew went to the accident scene but were unable to save Mrs Wilson.一组急救护理人员赶到事故现场,但是没能救活威尔逊太太。Bob Wilson is a Southerner, from Texas.鲍勃·威尔逊是南方人,来自得克萨斯州。Wilson was represented in court by a top criminal lawyer.一名顶尖的刑事律师将代表威尔逊出庭辩护。Wilson has achieved considerable success as an artist.威尔逊作为一名艺术家成就斐然。Wilson's intention is to rebuild his career and put some distance between himself and his reputation.威尔逊打算重建事业,不再把生活和名望搅在一起。




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