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词汇 妥善
例句 Her complaint that a male officer mauled her at a conference was never investigated properly.她曾投诉说一名男性官员在会议上对她动粗但从未有人妥善调查。The fruit should be carefully put away in bins.这些水果应当妥善贮藏在水果箱里。The letters were well hidden in a drawer.那些信都妥善地藏在一个抽屉里。The horse must be properly restrained in a location where it would not hurt itself.必须把马妥善关好,让它不能伤着自己。Make sure that the machine is properly earthed.要确保机器妥善接地。The books were normally kept under lock and key in the library vault.这些书籍过去通常被妥善保存在图书馆的地下室里。The situation was resolved diplomatically.情况得到了妥善的解决。Auditors normally issue a report as to whether the company accounts have been prepared correctly.审计员通常会发一份关于公司账目是否妥善准备的报告。Duties and pleasures balanced each other in his well-planned life.妥善安排生活,做到劳逸兼顾。Happily it was all dealt with very capably by the police and security people.幸好,警方和安保人员进行了非常妥善的处理。He gave effect to his dead brother's wishes by having him buried properly.他依照亡弟本人的遗愿把他妥善安葬了。The campaign is intended to pressure authorities into maintaining roads properly.该运动的目的在于给当局施压,使其妥善养护道路。The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive.废料在失去放射性之前被妥善封存。All the valuables were safely locked away.所有贵重物品都已妥善锁好。I feel that possibly the majority of these dogs are in the wrong hands.在我看来很可能这些狗大多数都没有人妥善照看。It's good to know that the dogs will be well cared for while we're away.得知我们外出期间那些狗会得到妥善照看真是太好了。So everyone put their heads together and eventually an amicable arrangement was reached.因此大家集思广益,最终作出了妥善的安排。The child is in good hands.这孩子有人妥善照管。The paintings were carefully stored in crates.油画被妥善保存在木条箱里。Everything has been duly taken care of.一切都得到了妥善的照管。The mixed forest is cut commercially but is also carefully conserved to look good.这片混合林用于商业砍伐,但与此同时也进行妥善维护以保持景观。These files should be kept under lock and key.这些文件应该妥善锁好。The books were normally kept under lock and key in the library vault.这些书一般妥善锁藏在图书馆的地窖里。Your birth certificate is an important document, which should be kept safe at all times.出生证明是重要文件,任何时候都要妥善保存。Everyone wants to feel that their children are in safe hands.人人都希望自己的孩子得到妥善的照顾。The cattle are well fenced out.牛群被妥善地隔在栅栏之外。The garden was neglected and overgrown.这座花园未被妥善照管,到处杂草丛生。His task is to ensure the fair use and storage of personal information held on computer.他的任务是确保计算机里的个人信息得到合理利用和妥善存储。




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