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Nicholson was recently exposed by the News of the World for paying a hooker hush money.尼科尔森最近被《世界新闻报》揭露曾付给一名妓女封嘴钱。He was accosted by a floozy in front of the hotel.在旅馆前面,有一个妓女向他打招呼。Prostitutes solicited every well-dressed man who walked their way.妓女勾引每个朝她们走来的穿着体面的男人。Prostitutes were forbidden to solicit on public roads and in public places.禁止妓女在马路上和公共场所公然拉客。The AIDS awareness campaign was targeted mainly at high-risk groups, especially drug users and prostitutes.提高艾滋病意识的运动主要是针对高危群体发起的,尤其针对吸毒者和妓女。This is the bar that harlots frequent.这是个妓女们常出入的酒吧。I noticed a couple of prostitutes plying for business on the corner.我看到拐角处有几个妓女在拉客。The only other item that merited a banner headline was the murder of a prostitute.唯一另外一条值得用通栏大标题刊登的新闻是一个妓女的被杀。Pushkin was a womaniser whose conquests included everyone from prostitutes to princesses.普希金是个情场老手,各种各样的女性,从妓女到公主,都成了他的俘虏。He was propositioned by a prostitute.有个妓女曾向他求欢。He had sex with a prostitute.他与一个妓女发生了性行为。She didn't look like a prostitute. She wasn't even wearing any make-up.她看上去不像个妓女,脸上甚至都没化妆。The prostitutes solicit openly here.妓女公开在这里拉客。Lincoln was a strict ladies' man who had many encounters with prostitutes during his marriage.林肯是个十足的裙下之臣,婚后仍与许多妓女有染。I didn't know she was on the game.我不知道她是妓女。A lot of women drug addicts become prostitutes in order to get money to buy drugs.许多吸毒上瘾的妇女为了弄钱买毒品而做了妓女。When I asked him if he had ever been to a prostitute he said he wouldn't degrade himself like that.我问他是否找过妓女时,他说他不会自贬身份去干那种事情。Police have been carrying out raids on prostitutes suspected of soliciting.警察一直在突击搜查被怀疑卖淫的妓女。She's picked up by a different guy every night. I hope she's not a pro.每天晚上都有不同的男人来接她。我希望她不是妓女。Here, prostitutes constantly proposition tourists.这里妓女经常勾搭游客。The prostitutes were arrested for soliciting customers.这些妓女因招徕嫖客而被捕。Don't call her a whore! She has suffered enough.别叫她妓女!她已经受了够多的苦。Keller's debut novel is about a Korean woman who was sold into prostitution during World War II.凯勒的处女作写的是一名朝鲜妇女在二战期间被卖作妓女的故事。In the evenings the prostitutes would line the streets, calling out to passing men.到了晚上,妓女们就站在街道两旁,招呼来往的男人。Where did she get that getup? She looks like a hooker.她从那里弄来那件衣服?她看起来像个妓女。The street was full of hustlers, drug addicts, and pimps.街上满是妓女、瘾君子和皮条客。 |