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The process has taken a long time because of Obama's deliberative nature.由于奥巴马生性审慎,这个过程历时很久。Yet these were Mr Obama's three main campaign promises.然而这三项正是奥巴马先生的竞选承诺。Former Nobel Peace Prize recipients include Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama.过去获得过诺贝尔和平奖的包括吉米·卡特和巴拉克·奥巴马。Obama was ahead in the polls.奥巴马在民意测验中领先。Mr Obama spent most of the morning pressing the flesh at a series of meetings for the party faithful.奥巴马先生大半个上午都在一系列与本党忠诚支持者的见面会上和大家握手致意。McCain gave Obama a barracking over his foreign policy.麦凯恩言辞激烈地抨击了奥巴马的外交政策。 |