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It was not long before I realised the enormity of my faux pas.没过多久,我就意识到自己有多么失态。The shirt/tie combo may seem a foolproof classic, but there are fashion faux pas you should be aware of.衬衫领带的组合看似是万无一失的经典搭配,但也需要注意避免着装失误。I asked her how Greg was, which was a bit of a faux pas considering they'd just split up.我问她格雷格最近好不好,这是不太得体的,因为他俩刚刚分了手。Every play written for the stage is a pas de deux between language and action.所有为舞台演出而写的剧本都是语言和动作的相辅相成。Certain embarrassing faux pas are dragged up from his political past.他过去政治生涯中的一些难堪失检之事被抖了出来。Arriving too early would be a serious/major faux pas.到得太早可能是严重/重大的失礼。It was at that party that I committed the faux pas of spilling wine all over the host's wife.就是在那次聚会上我犯了有失体面的错误,把酒洒了主人的妻子一身都是。People behaved as if they were fearful of committing a faux pas.人们循规蹈矩,似乎惟恐有失检点。 |