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The two sides remain in disagreement over the proposed ceasefire.双方仍未就停火提议达成共识。The government has upped the ante by refusing to negotiate until a ceasefire has been agreed .政府增加了砝码,在达成停火协议之前拒绝谈判。Both sides appealed for a new ceasefire.双方都呼吁达成新的停火协议。They continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire.他们继续努力促成停火。He insisted that the conflict would continue until conditions were met for a ceasefire.他坚持认为除非满足停火条件,否则冲突会继续下去。Even as we speak, a ceasefire agreement is being signed in Geneva.就在我们谈话的时候,一项停火协议在日内瓦签署了。The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.联合国已呼吁双方遵守停火协议。There seems little hope of a ceasefire.看来停火的希望很渺茫了。A ceasefire has been called to allow the survivors to bury their dead.人们呼吁停火以便幸存者能够掩埋他们死去的亲人。The declaration called for an immediate ceasefire.声明要求立即停火。The commander said the army would comply with the ceasefire.指挥官说军队会遵守停火协议。We salute them for maintaining the ceasefire.我们因他们保持停火而向他们致敬。UN officials are expressing cautious optimism that the latest ceasefire is holding.联合国官员对于最近的停火协定是否有效持谨慎的乐观态度。Both sides have agreed on a ceasefire.双方就停火达成了一致。The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.停火只能暂时解决危机。The government had failed in numerous attempts to achieve a ceasefire through negotiation.该政府想通过谈判达成停火协议的许多次努力都失败了。The plan calls for a ceasefire and U.N. supervision of the country.该计划呼吁停火并由联合国对该国进行监管。The diplomats have failed in their attempts to broker a ceasefire.外交官们促成停火的尝试已告失败。It was announced that they have agreed to a ceasefire.据宣布,他们已经同意停火。An uneasy peace prevailed in the first days of the ceasefire.停火的最初几天里处于不稳定的和平状态。Will the ceasefire hold?停火能持续下去吗?The ceasefire won't last unless both sides are prepared to compromise.除非双方都准备妥协,否则停火协议无法继续下去。There are concerns that the ceasefire might not hold.有人担心停火协议可能不会持续。The ceasefire held.依然停火中。One of the conditions of the agreement was that both sides would call an immediate ceasefire.协议上的一个条件是双方下令立即停火。At the time of writing, a ceasefire is under discussion.写稿时停火问题仍在磋商中。A ceasefire was declared as a sign of good faith.宣布停火是为了表示诚信。A fragile ceasefire is now in place.脆弱的停火协议现在可以开始生效了。UN observers are monitoring the ceasefire.联合国观察员在监督此次停火。Observers stressed the necessity for the ceasefire to be observed.观察员强调必须遵守停火协议。It was announced that the groups have agreed to a ceasefire.据宣告称这些组织已经同意停火。Returning to what you said earlier, do you really think there is a chance of a complete ceasefire?还是回到你原来的话题吧,你真的认为有可能完全停火吗?It's not certain how long the ceasefire will last.停火会持续多久尚不确定。The ceasefire turned out to be just a cover to gain time to prepare another attack.停火协定原来只是一个掩饰,为准备下一轮的进攻争取时间。The army was observing a ceasefire.军队在遵守停火协定。Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once.为再次停火作出的努力已经失败了一次。He brokered a ceasefire agreement between the warring factions.他在交战的双方之间斡旋,促成了停火协议。The artillery barrage on the city centre was the heaviest since the ceasefire.针对市中心的炮火是停战以来最猛烈的。Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day ceasefire.在停火两天后,今天那里爆发了激烈的战斗。The ceasefire has created a window of opportunity to rescue the peace process.停火为挽救和平进程敞开了一扇机会之门。 |