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词汇 失业率
例句 It was a time of high unemployment and economic gloom.当时经济萧条,失业率很高。No one disputes the direct linkage between the unemployment rate and crime.谁都不会质疑失业率与犯罪之间存在直接联系。Unemployment rates have gone through the roof.失业率已超过最高峰。The unemployment rate is unacceptably high.失业率之高让人难以接受。The rise in unemployment is seen as indicative of a new economic recession.失业率上升被看作是新一轮经济衰退的征兆。With exports rising and unemployment falling, the merchants of gloom are having to revise their opinions of the economy.随着出口产品的增加和失业率的下降,悲观派将不得不改变他们对经济的看法。The rise in unemployment is symptomatic of a general decline in the economy.失业率上升是经济全面衰退的征兆。Rising unemployment led to even more social problems.不断上升的失业率导致了更严重的社会问题。The promised recovery failed to materialize and unemployment kept on rising.恢复经济的承诺没有兑现,失业率继续上升。We are entering a period of slow economic growth and rising unemployment.我们正进入一个经济增长缓慢和失业率增加的时期。The unemployment rate is a clear pointer to the state of the economy.失业率是经济状况的明显标志。Unemployment is now near to its all-time low.失业率现已接近历史最低点。Unemployment rates among white-collar workers show much less regional variation than corresponding rates among blue-collar workers.白领工作者的失业率与蓝领工人相比,地区性差异要小得多。Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment, tight credit, lower home values, sluggish job growth.统计数据描绘了一幅不容乐观的画面:失业率攀升,信贷从紧,家庭观念淡薄,就业机会增长缓慢。Unemployment has risen steadily.失业率不断上升。Government figures show a continued decline in unemployment.政府数据表明失业率在持续下降。This forlorn industrial town has very high unemployment.在这座空旷凄惶的工业小镇上失业率非常高。The rate of male unemployment in Britain is now the third worst in Europe.英国男性的失业率目前高居欧洲第三位。Concern over the rising level of joblessness was a feature of yesterday's debate.昨天的争论体现了对失业率上升的关注。Unemployment remains obstinately high.失业率居高不下。In the current economic climate it is fairly predictable that unemployment will continue to rise.在当前的经济环境里,可以肯定的是,失业率将会持续上升。By some statistical sleight of hand the government has produced figures showing that unemployment has recently fallen.通过在统计数字上耍些手腕,政府弄出了一些显示最近失业率下降的数字。Unemployment is at a historic low. 失业率现在创历史新低。The country is suffering from rising unemployment.该国正蒙受失业率上升之苦。Despite the high unemployment rate, there is a shortage of skilled workers in some sectors.尽管失业率高,但有些行业还是缺熟练工人。There have been record bankruptcies and remorselessly rising unemployment.破产案数量达到最高纪录,失业率持续上升。The political landscape of the country has changed since unemployment rose.自从失业率上升以来,该国的政治形势起了变化。The rate of unemployment is high and competition for jobs is steep.失业率高,就业竞争激烈。The deepening recession has also taken its toll in the south of the country, where unemployment is rife.日益加剧的经济衰退也严重影响到了该国南部地区,那里的失业率居高不下。Unemployment will continue upwards for most of the year.今年大部分时间失业率将持续上升。There seemed little prospect of any great decrease in unemployment.失业率的大幅度降低似乎不太可能。Unemployment in Northern Ireland is twice the national average.北爱尔兰的失业率是全国平均水平的两倍。Monroe was correct in saying that unemployment has dropped in the last five years.门罗说得没错,失业率近五年里下降了。The unemployment rate has been spiraling upward.失业率一直大幅上升。There was a fall in unemployment in the second quarter of the year.今年第二季度的失业率有所下降。The economy flourishes despite a fairly high rate of chronic unemployment.尽管失业率居高不下,经济仍在蓬勃发展。The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed workers expressed as a percentage of a country's labour force.失业率是以失业人数占一国劳动力的百分数来表达的。Economists are concerned about the city's rising unemployment rate. 经济学家们对城市失业率的不断上升表示担忧。Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.两国都深受失业率飙升、巨额预算赤字以及金融部门岌岌可危之苦。The study indicates an inverse relationship between the unemployment rate and inflation. 研究表明,失业率和通货膨胀呈反比关系。




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