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Would you like to take the car for a test drive?您想试驾一下这辆车吗?I took the car out for a trial on the roads.我开车上路试驾了一下。I took the car out for a trial on the roads…我开车上路试驾了一下。The salesman nudged her into testing out the car.推销员鼓动她试驾一下车。He took a little test drive and agreed the car was a lemon.他试驾了一下,也认为这车不行。Test drive both cars and compare.两辆车都试驾一下,做个比较。Always ask if you can test-drive the car first.总是要记得问可不可以先试驾。She test-drove four or five different cars before deciding on one.她试驾了四五辆不同的车以后才决定买一辆。He decided to try the car out.他决定试驾一下这辆车。 |