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词汇 天赋
例句 As a youth he discovered a gift for teaching.他年轻时就表现出教书的天赋He has a rare talent for managing people.他在人事管理方面有罕见的天赋She has a natural gift for music.她具有音乐天赋His painterly talents were evident in his youth.他青年时就已显露出绘画天赋His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers.他的美发天赋令他很快在当地一家发廊找到一份兼职工作。His father and grandmother were painters too, so it's obviously in the blood.他父亲和祖母也是画家,所以绘画天赋显然是家族遗传的。She is gifted with a talent for playing the piano.她有弹钢琴的天赋She has a God-given talent as a painter.作为一个画家,她有着非凡的天赋He asked her why she didn't make use of her talent and give singing lessons.他问她为什么不利用自己的天赋教唱歌。The genius of the two designers has played a big part in the company's recent success.该公司最近所取得的成就,一大部分应归功于两位设计师的天赋She has the gift of prophecy.她有预言的天赋Musical talent runs in her family. 她的家人都有音乐天赋Mozart's genius earned him a place in the history books.莫扎特的天赋名垂青史。One of the best new players, he shows flair and creativity at the game.作为最出色的新球员之一,他显示出了在这项运动方面的天赋和创造力。Hard work and talent so often go unrecognised and unrewarded.努力和天赋经常不被认可,也得不到回报。She is extremely talented.她极具天赋Ginsberg had a talent for putting people instantly at ease.金斯伯格有一种能够使人立刻感到放松的天赋At an early age Susan showed an aptitude for languages.在很小的时候,苏珊就显示出了语言天赋Still, for those flashes of genius, you can forgive him anything.尽管如此,他瞬间显露出的天赋还是会让你原谅他所做的一切。She has a natural talent for playing the piano.她有弹奏钢琴的天赋She showed remarkable musical talent at/from an early age. 她很小就表现出非凡的音乐天赋She has a lot of comedic talent.她颇具喜剧天赋He had prostituted his talent as a writer, churning out cheap thrillers.他糟蹋了自己的写作天赋,炮制了很多粗俗的惊险小说。Her lecture celebrated the genius of the artist.她在课上赞扬了艺术家的天赋Even at the age of eight his musical talent was apparent.即使只有八岁,他的音乐天赋已经显露出来了。Porter has a talent for making a difficult subject understandable and interesting.波特有一种天赋,他可以把一个晦涩难懂的话题讲得有趣易懂。She's a talented mimic.她有模仿天赋His genius lies in finessing wood into finely crafted furniture.他的天赋在于把木料打造成工艺精良的精美家具。Her artistic/creative talent has been obvious ever since she was a child.她从小就显示出了艺术/创作天赋What they lack in talent, they make up for in conviction.天赋方面的不足,他们用信念来补偿。She has shown some ability with foreign languages.她在外语学习方面展现出一些天赋Hard work is important, but it is no substitute for raw talent.勤奋很重要,但替代不了天赋When it comes to natural footballing ability, Gascoigne is exceptional.说到踢足球的天赋,加斯科因出类拔萃。Musical talent usually manifests itself in childhood.音乐天赋通常在童年就显露出来。He distrusted political systems and placed his faith in the genius of individuals.他不相信政治体制,而是相信个人天赋I regard creativity both as a gift and as a skill.我认为创造力既是一种天赋也是一种技巧。He was disparaging about his wife's musical talents.他贬低妻子的音乐天赋His genius was not confined to the decoration of buildings.他的天赋不单体现在建筑物的装饰上。His performance shows great talent.他的表演显示出他极高的天赋She has an inborn talent for music.她具有音乐天赋




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