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We heard the church clock donging out the hour.我们听到教堂大钟铛铛地报时。I checked my watch against the steeple clock.我根据教堂尖塔的大钟对了表。The major attraction is a huge clock in the entrance hall.最吸引人的是挂在入口门厅里的一个大钟。The bells of the cathedral rang out their loud peal.大教堂的大钟发出响亮的当当声。The great bell tolled with a deep boom.大钟嘡嘡地发出低沉的回响。The church bells are made of bronze.教堂大钟是青铜制成的。In those days church clocks were corrected from sundials.过去,教堂的大钟根据日晷校正时间。A tall clock ticktocked on the stair.楼梯上一座落地大钟滴答响着。 |