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词汇 大街
例句 Victoria Street, that's the name of the street. There we are, look.维多利亚大街,那条街就叫这个名字。看,我说的没错吧!We were proceeding along Chiswick High Street.我们那时正沿着奇西克大街向前走。If you are a light sleeper, ask for a room that doesn't face the street.如果你是个容易被吵醒的人,就要一间不朝大街的房间。Las Ramblas is a perfect allegory for Barcelona itself.兰布拉大街是巴塞罗那的绝佳象征。Across the street from where we were standing was a little park.从我们站的地方穿过大街就有一个小公园。I live in a block of flats at the junction of Cambridge Road and Kilburn High Street.我住在剑桥路和奇尔本大街交叉路口的一幢公寓大楼里。Turn left at the traffic lights and carry on up the high street.在红绿灯处左拐,沿大街一直往前走。He trudged wearily down Arthur Street.他沿着亚瑟大街精疲力竭地跋涉。We were strolling down a tree-lined avenue.我们沿着绿树成荫的大街漫步。The police have closed off the high street to traffic.警察封锁了商业大街的交通。The main street was lined with well-wishers.大街两旁满是祝福的人群。The avenues lined with jacaranda trees burst into a carnival of purple.大街的两旁种着蓝花楹,绽放的花朵汇成一片紫色的海洋。It was but a short step from the rue Quincampoix.它离坎康普瓦大街仅几步路。They ate in an Italian restaurant in Forth Street.他们在第四大街的一家意大利餐馆吃了饭。Our hotel was just off the main street.我们的旅馆离大街很近。The taxi was cruising down the street in search of passengers.计程车沿大街缓慢地行驶以兜揽顾客。A crowd of militants took to the streets to protest the government's policies.一群激进分子走上了大街,抗议政府的政策。We waited at the intersection of Fulton Street and Gough Avenue for the lights to change.我们在富尔顿街和戈夫大街的十字路口等着绿灯亮起来。Hugo's house was about two hundred yards away along the main street.沿大街过去大约两百码远的地方就是雨果的家。They walked in step down the avenue.他们步伐整齐地走过大街His car went into a lamppost in the high street.他的车子撞上了大街的路灯柱。There are lots of clothes shops on Newbury Street.纽伯里大街有许多服装店。The car was parked beside the house and headed out towards the street.汽车泊在屋边,头朝着大街We belted down Iveagh Parade to where the motor was.我们沿着艾维格大街一路飞奔到汽车那儿。The demonstrators marched through the streets, leafletting and shouting slogans.示威群众走过大街,一面散传单,一面喊口号。It's the other end of the High Street. We'll take the car, shall we?.它在大街的那头,我们乘车去,好吗?The kids loved following the orange footsteps up Main Street.孩子们喜欢沿着橘黄色的脚印走到大街Anne loved Rome, with its open spaces and long straight avenues.安妮喜欢罗马那开阔的地方和又长又直的大街He ran into the street, the tails of his crumped shirt flying.他疾步奔上大街,皱皱巴巴衬衫的后背下摆飘拂不停。The house is on West Boston Avenue, Detroit's most expensive residential area.这所房子位于底特律最昂贵的居住区,西波士顿大街Could you tell me where Barker Drive is, please?你能告诉我巴克大街怎么走吗?Their turf was Paris: its streets, theaters, homes, and parks.他们的地盘在巴黎:那里的大街、剧院、住宅和公园。The demonstrators marched down the main street of the city.示威群众沿该市主要大街游行。They serve a mean Sunday brunch at the restaurant on Fourth Street.第四大街的那家饭店提供丰盛的周日早午餐。He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born.我出生的时候,他在埃杰顿大街我们家的园圃里挖了个坑,种了棵枫树。He walked at a rapid pace along Charles Street.他快步走过查尔斯大街He watched her going toward West End Avenue.他看着她朝西端大街走去。The avenue had never been paved, and deep mud made it impassable in winter.这条大街从未铺过路面,冬天泥泞不堪,无法通行。Amy realized that she had eaten nothing since leaving Bruton Street, and she was ravenous.埃米意识到自己从离开布鲁顿大街之后什么东西都没吃,她饿极了。The circus performers and animals paraded the streets.马戏团的演员和动物在大街游行。




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