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词汇 强烈
例句 The sun was up now, and strong.太阳出来了,阳光很强烈Stories with striking visual impact or human interest (however trivial) will almost always receive coverage.具有强烈视觉效果或者人情味的故事(无论多么微小)几乎总会被报道。My intense dislike for him seemed to grow day by day.我对他的极度反感好像一天比一天强烈The smell was unpleasantly strong.这气味强烈得让人受不了。He used his speech to sound a clarion call for affordable health care.他在自己的演说中强烈呼吁建立平价医疗体系。The response throughout Germany was swift and intense.德国各地的反应迅速而强烈And so what will he say to those who have been baying for his blood?那么,他又会对那些一直强烈要求制裁他的人说些什么呢?In the United States today the desire for home ownership is still strong.当今的美国人想要拥有自己房子的欲望仍然很强烈Child abuse is an emotive subject.虐待儿童是一个容易引发强烈感情的话题。He hasn't succeeded because he doesn't want it bad enough.他还没有成功,因为他对成功的渴望还不够强烈She identified strongly with the main character in the play.她与戏里的主人公产生了强烈共鸣。He was suffering from a deep sense of inadequacy.认为自己不称职的强烈感觉折磨着他。The government's proposals have been strongly criticized by labor unions.政府的提案遭到了工会的强烈批评。The lighting in the room was very harsh.房间的光线太强烈了。It would be a mistake to ignore their strong sentiments on the issue.无视他们在这个问题上的强烈情绪将是个错误。People should understand how thirsty for revenge they are.人们应该理解他们复仇的愿望是多么强烈She sensed an evil presence, and it was growing stronger.她感觉到有某种邪恶的东西,而且这种感觉越来越强烈He was very vocal in his criticism/support of me.强烈地表达了对我的批评/支持。Adventure tugs at the heartstrings of youth.冒险活动会强烈扣动青年人的心弦。Already they were sweating as the sun beat down upon them.在阳光的强烈照射下他们已经汗流浃背。He had an intense desire to learn more about her.他有强烈的愿望想要更多地了解她。It was remarkable how strong he could be when he was in a passion.当他发怒时情绪会如此强烈,真是吓人。The miners are most vocal on the subject.矿工们在这一问题上的意见很强烈He spoke of his yearning for another child.他说起了自己想再要一个孩子的强烈愿望。Speaking your mind is highly encouraged at these sessions.这些集会强烈鼓励大家说出心里的想法。Their response was an overreaction.他们的反应过于强烈His hunger has been sharpened by the critics who claimed his marriage had blunted his Grand Slam yearnings.批评家声称他的婚姻减弱了他夺取大满贯的理想,这让他夺冠的欲望变得越发强烈Passions were roused and threatened to boil over into violence.人们的强烈情绪被激发起来,并有演变成暴力的危险。I would strongly advise you against buying it.强烈奉劝你不要买它。Anger feeds on disappointment.愤怒因失望而变得更加强烈His urge for revenge would never infect her.他的强烈复仇渴望永远不会影响到她。The recent fighting in the area could ignite regional passions far beyond the borders.最近该地区的战斗可能在边界以外的大片地区激起强烈情绪。He's a real control freak.他是一个有强烈控制欲的人。Our love it was stronger by far.我们的爱情呀,远为强烈Polidori, the right-wing politician, is mining a rich seam of fear and prejudice.右翼政客帕里德瑞正在利用人们的强烈恐惧和偏见。Putting the work together is a very self-conscious process.把作品整个呈现出来是一个显示出强烈自我意识的过程。The books that result have intensity and a fascinating immediacy, far beyond that of ordinary narrative.结果写出来的书情节紧张,矛盾冲突强烈,令人欲罢不能,效果与使用普通的叙事手法大为不同。Hope was a sweet moderator of passions.希望是强烈感情的美妙的缓和剂。The sun's rays are at their most powerful at midday.正午时分阳光最强烈Reliving past experiences can release powerful feelings that have been pent up too long.再次体验过去的经历可以释放长期被压抑的强烈情绪。




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