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词汇 大笔
例句 As the job involves handling large amounts of money, it's essential that our workers are honest.由于工作中需要处理大笔大笔的钱,所以我们的员工必须诚实正直。The company is hemorrhaging money. 这家公司正在损失大笔资金。She's used to working with large sums of money.她已经习惯管理大笔大笔的钱。The price of players is the reason why many football clubs show big losses on their balance sheets.球员的身价就是许多足球俱乐部的资产负债表上显示大笔亏损的原因。The lottery is expected to generate substantial funds for charities.彩票发行有望为慈善事业筹集到大笔资金。Small struggling farms naturally jib at paying large veterinary bills.挣扎中的小农场自然不愿意支付大笔的兽医账单。Elderly people sometimes unknowingly make huge sums of money over to unscrupulous business advisers.老人们有时会不知不觉地把大笔资金移交给不诚实的业务顾问。Without huge investment the reservoirs will silt up.没有大笔的投资,水库将会淤塞。He ran up a huge overdraft during his year in office.他在任期间积欠了大笔透支。When people buy houses they're investing a lot of money.购买房子时,人们是在进行大笔的投资。Huge amounts of government money are spent on defence.政府的钱大笔大笔地用在国防上。Government funds are being pumped into the ailing steel industry.大笔政府资金被投入面临困境的钢铁产业。Many of today's players earn huge amounts of money from sponsorship and advertising.现在的许多运动员从赞助和广告中赚取大笔大笔的钱。They had lent large sums of money to two companies in Northern Ireland.他们把大笔大笔的钱借给了北爱尔兰的两家公司。We use our savings as a cushion against major expenses.我们将存款留待有大笔开销时使用。Credulous investors were persuaded to part with large sums of money.轻信的投资者被说服投入了大笔资金。There is a lot of money riding on the outcome of the race.大笔资金赌这场比赛的结果。Several large investments in natural resources are in the works.在自然资源方面的几项大笔投资正在筹划之中。She's always borrowing my clothes and manipulating me to give her vast sums of money.她老是向我借衣服,还千方百计地要我给她大笔大笔的钱。He decided to back his hunches with serious money.他决定凭直觉下大笔赌注。Some managers may have taken large backhanders from agents for agreeing to sell players.一些主帅可能因为同意出售某些球员而从代理人那里收受了大笔贿赂。They signed away their legal rights for a large cash settlement.他们签字放弃了获得大笔现金补偿的法律权利。The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft.航空公司投入了大笔资金购买噪音较小的新型飞机。The school had its origin with a large gift from a donor.这所学校是用一位捐赠人的大笔礼金建造的。A great deal of money remains unaccounted for. 大笔资金仍然下落不明。Bowen had friends in high places, and managed to raise large sums of money from the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations.鲍恩有门路,能从卡内基和洛克菲勒基金会筹集到大笔资金。Whole industries would have collapsed but for a massive injection of public funds.如果不是公共资金的大笔注入,整个整个的工业部门早就垮了。Lea worked her butt off to graduate with honors and big scholarships.莉读书非常卖力,毕业时成绩优异,并多次获得大笔的奖学金。These financiers have substantial investment in Guyana.这些金融家在圭亚那有大笔投资。He fell heir to his uncle's riches.他成为叔父大笔财富的继承人。A couple from London are celebrating a big lottery win.一对来自伦敦的夫妇在庆祝中了大笔彩金。You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too.你们能获得大笔激励性薪水,还可享受免费膳宿。Huge sums were spirited away into secret bank accounts.大笔金额被偷偷转入了秘密的银行账户。He kissed away a large fortune.他寻花问柳,挥霍掉大笔家产。Most regions in Spain and Portugal qualify for sizeable development grants from the EU.西班牙和葡萄牙的大部分地区都有资格从欧盟得到大笔的发展补助金。Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。If you lose the case, you will face substantial legal costs.如果输了官司,你将面对大笔的诉讼费用。The company has continued to invest heavily in a strong portfolio of products.公司继续在强大的产品组合上投入大笔资金。This means smaller banks can cream off big profits during lending booms.这意味着在贷款业务剧增时小银行能够获得大笔利润。The manager of a company does not like having a large chunk of his wealth bound up in its shares.一家公司经理不愿意让大笔财富套在股票里。




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