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词汇 果肉
例句 Halve the pineapple and scoop out the inside.将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉The fruit has sweet, juicy pulp and hard, black seeds.这种水果的果肉甜而多汁,果核坚硬呈黑色。Cut the flesh from the olives and discard the stones.把橄榄果肉切下来,把果核扔掉。These pears have a sweet, juicy flesh.这些梨的果肉香甜多汁。Cut the melon in half and scoop out the flesh.把瓜切成两半,挖出果肉Kiwi fruit can be eaten by cutting off the tops and scooping out the insides with a teaspoon.可以把猕猴桃的顶部切掉,用茶匙把里面的果肉挖出来吃。Press the fruit through a sieve and mix the pulp with sugar.水果用滤网压榨,再把果肉拌上糖。Pare the mango and cut the flesh away from the stone.削去芒果的皮,把果肉沿核切下。Carefully scoop out the pulp with a small spoon.用小勺小心地把果肉舀出来。Make maximum use of the whole fruit, including the pulp which is high in fibre.水果的各个部分都要最大限度地利用,包括富含纤维的果肉Remove the seeds and stones and cube the flesh.去掉籽和果核,把果肉切成丁。The flesh of the fruit is white.这种水果的果肉是白色的。The pulp was crushed to extract the juice.果肉被压碎以榨取果汁。




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