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词汇 大变化
例句 For the country overall, house prices have remained flat.从全国来说,房屋价格没有多大变化The blogsphere has changed a lot in the past few years.过去几年间博客世界发生了很大变化The percentage of personal income paid in taxes stayed fairly consistent across various income levels.不同收入阶层缴纳的个人所得税百分比一直没有多大变化Much has changed since the days of my youth.和我年轻时相比已经有了很大变化Science has brought about many changes in our lives.科学为我们生活带来很大变化Babies are the most difficult patients to remember. They all have the same tiny, unformed features which seem to stretch and change every five minutes.婴儿是最难记住的病号。他们那小小的五官都还没有发育成形,似乎每五分钟就会长大变化Things have changed a lot since I was a child.从我小时候到现在,情况已发生了很大变化The school appeared essentially unchanged since my day.这所学校自从我那个时代以来好像就没有多大变化The frontier has worked him over inside.边疆生活使他内心起了很大变化How could she stick to the agreement now that everything had changed so drastically?既然一切都已发生极大变化,她怎么能遵守协议呢?Things haven't changed much since I wrote to you last.从我上次写信给你到现在,一切都没有多大变化




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