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词汇 复习
例句 Have you revised for the test tomorrow?明天的测验你复习了吗?The exams last for several weeks, so pace yourself when you revise.考试要持续好几周,因此复习时别太急。Have you revised the work we did last term?复习我们上学期学的内容了吗?I'll need some extra time off for revision.我需要些额外闲暇时间复习I need to revise for the exam.我得复习准备考试。Let's start by reviewing what we did last week.咱们开头先复习一下上周做过的。He didn't study for the exam and just barely scraped by. 他没有复习就参加了考试,勉强通过。I would like to brush up my zoology.我要复习一下我的动物学课程。What are you revising tonight?你今天晚上复习什么?The students are busy reviewing for a test.学生忙著复习迎考。Did you study for the test?你为这次测试复习了吗?Reviewing for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course.考前复习让你有机会把一门课程所有零碎的知识都融会贯通。She flagged several pages for me to review.她标出几页让我复习I don't want to get behind with my revision.我不想把复习往后拖。The students were given time to go through their notes before the exam.考试前学生们有时间把笔记从头到尾复习一遍。I haven't done enough review for the exam.我考前复习不足。I haven't started revising yet.我还没开始复习呢。Before the examinations we have a review of the term's work.考试之前,我们复习一学期的功课。I've only got three weeks left to study for my exams.我只剩三个星期复习迎考了。It may be necessary to stop at intervals and go back over key points in the lesson.可能有必要不时停下来复习一下该课的重点。Studying for exams stresses me out.复习迎考使我非常焦虑。Much of their study and revision was done to the thud of hammers and pneumatic drills.他们学习和复习时大多都伴着锤子和风钻沉闷的敲击声。She revised chemistry.复习了化学。I need to review chemistry.我需要复习化学。Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.为了便于复习,学生应该记笔记。How is your history revision going?你历史复习得怎么样了?And last but not least, he must review what he has studied at least three times.最后也是相当重要的就是,他必须把念过的书至少复习三遍。He's sure to pass - he's been swotting away for months.他肯定能通过—他用功复习了好几个月了。I've been revising all day but I don't think much of it has sunk in.复习了一整天,但是觉得没有理解了多少东西。He went over his notes before the exam.他在考试前复习了笔记。Try and allot 2 or 3 hours a day to revision.每天设法抽出两三个小时复习I had spent the last few months boning up on neurology.我用最后几个月的时间复习了神经学课程。Your typing is a bit rusty; you'd better rub it up.你的打字有点荒疏了;你最好复习一下。With exams approaching, it's a good idea to review your class notes.随着考试的临近,复习一下你的课堂笔记是个不错的主意。The simple fact is that he did not study for the exam.明摆着的事实就是,他没有为考试做复习I can't come out tonight - I've got a lot of revision to do.我今天晚上不能出来—我有很多功课要复习Review all the notes you need to cover for each course.把每一门课程需要掌握的笔记都复习一下。He's cramming for the exam tomorrow.他在为明天的考试拼命复习I've got to do some history revision tonight.今晚我得复习一下历史。I must brush up my French before going to Paris.我去巴黎前一定要把法语复习一下。




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