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词汇 错事
例句 Anything you do wrong will be chalked up against you.你所做的任何错事将被记下作为反对你的理由。There's no good punishing him hours later, because he won't remember what he's done wrong.过了几小时才责罚他没有用,因为他不会记得做了什么错事This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry.这是好心办错事,可是确实让我担心了一阵子。You have done no wrong. Hold your head high.你没有做什么错事,别垂头丧气。She found the charity in her heart to forgive them for the wrong they had done.她慈悲为怀,原谅了他们所做的错事The boss jumped on Bill for his mistakes.老板为比尔做了错事而痛斥他。It suddenly hit me that I was doing something wrong. 我突然意识到自己在干错事I can't understand why he disapproves of me. It's not as if I've done anything wrong.我不理解他为什么不喜欢我,不大像是我做了什么错事These faults committed by Paul appear to be the cause of the accident.保罗做的这些错事看来是导致事故的原因。If my sister did something wrong my mother always turned a blind eye.如果妹妹做了错事,母亲总是睁只眼闭只眼装作不知道。He's so charming that he really does get away with murder.他很讨人喜欢,所以做了错事也不会挨训。If you do something awful they all come down on you like a ton of bricks.如果你做了错事,他们全都会对你大发雷霆。He's so self-righteous - like he's never done anything wrong in his life.他非常自以为是——就像是一生都没做过错事似的。




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