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词汇 错失
例句 I really blew it when I turned down that job offer, didn't I?我拒绝那份工作就等于真的错失了一个机会,对吧?I blew my chance for a big promotion.错失了一次高升的机会。I was slow off the mark and missed my chance.我反应慢,错失了良机。This is the only Grand Slam title to elude her.这是她唯一错失的大满贯头衔。Fans looked on in amazement as Robbins missed a third goal for the team.球迷看着罗宾斯第三次错失进球机会,惊愕不已。We wasted a good scoring chance.我们错失了一个绝佳的进球机会。The team was hot in the first half, but their shooting turned cold in the second half. 球队上半场表现出色,但下半场多次错失射门良机。She threw away an opportunity.错失了一次良机。It was a wasted opportunity.这是一个错失了的良机。The advantage is lost.错失优势。He started thinking about the what-ifs of the game: What if we had thrown more passes? What if we hadn't missed that field goal?他开始对这场比赛进行各种假设:假如我们队有更多的传球会怎么样?假如我们没有错失那次任意球的机会又会怎样呢?He didn't get his application in early enough so he missed the boat.他没有及早交上申请,所以错失了良机。The player hasn't missed a beat this year, scoring three touchdowns in his first three games.这名队员今年没有一点错失,在头三场比赛中就已三次触地得分。He feels he missed his calling by not becoming a doctor.他觉得没能成为医生是错失了自己本应从事的职业。Ireland squandered several chances, including a penalty that cost them the game.爱尔兰队错失了几次机会,包括导致他们输掉比赛的一次点球。If we're too cautious, we might lose a good business opportunity.如果我们过于谨慎就会错失商机。Skye has scarcely missed a beat as one of the Gold Coast's spectacular models.作为黄金海岸上最出色的模特之一,斯凯几乎从未错失过任何机会。He blew an opportunity to make a lot of money in the stock market.错失了在股市赚大钱的机会。He wasted a golden opportunity when he missed from the penalty spot.他罚球没有命中,错失了一个绝佳的机会。All the chances for negotiations were down the drain.所有的谈判机会都错失了。It was too good an opportunity to pass up.良机不该错失Skye has scarcely missed a beat as one of the Gold Coast's spectacular models since her marriage.丝凯作为黄金海岸大红大紫的模特儿,自结婚以后从来就没有错失过任何机会。They called him a choker when he missed the shot that would have won the game.错失了一记决胜球,大家都管他叫臭手。




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