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词汇 阵线
例句 He recalls being pushed and jeered at by National Front supporters.他回想起被国民阵线的支持者推搡和嘲笑的日子。The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.阵线采用激进的宣传手段对付它的对手。There were scuffles when UDF hecklers began to shout down the speakers.来自联合民主阵线的诘问者开始对演讲者大声起哄时,引发了多次冲突。They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.他们被救国阵线以多数票否决后,退席以示抗议。They feinted and concentrated forces against the most fortified line of the enemy side.他们虚晃一招,然后集中兵力攻打敌方最坚固的阵线He won a head-to-head battle with NF leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.他在和国民阵线领袖让-马里·勒庞的正面交锋中获得了胜利。It's not certain they'll accept the Front's candidate if he wins.即便来自阵线的候选人获胜,他们能否接受他还说不准。There were claims that the Front has wilfully perverted democracy.有些人士认为该阵线故意曲解民主。The National Salvation Front has already replied to this series of opposition moves with its own demonstrations.民族救亡阵线已经组织了示威,以此回击反对派的一系列活动。The Front adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.阵线采用激进的宣传手段对付它的对手。The extreme right-wing National Front promoted anti-Semitism.极右翼的民主阵线助长了反犹情绪。




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