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词汇 阵营
例句 War forces people to choose sides.战争迫使人们选择不同的阵营The generals failed to capitalize on the weaknesses and divisions in the enemy camp.将军们未能利用敌人阵营的弱点和分歧。We are in the same camp. 我们同属一个阵营She is a spokesperson for the Howard League for Penal Reform.她是支持刑罚改革的霍华德阵营的发言人。Not everyone joined the counter-culture, not everyone demonstrated, dropped out, took drugs, or dodged the draft.不是每个人都加入了反主流文化的阵营,不是每个人都去示威游行、辍学、吸毒或逃避兵役。The press release provoked furious protests from the Gore camp and other top Democrats.新闻稿激起了戈尔阵营和其他民主党高层人物的愤怒抗议。He wants to let the extremists in both camps fight it out among themselves.他要让双方阵营中的极端主义分子相互争论到底。The E.U. wanted to bring the U.S. back into the fold.欧盟想把美国拉回自己的阵营There are two proposals to consider, one from each camp.有两个待议提案,分别来自两个阵营The situation is deepening the divisions between the two groups.这种形势正在加剧两个阵营之间的分裂。The Socialist Party has split into two opposing camps.社会党分裂成了两个对立的阵营We in the `no' camp must give credit where credit's due.我们这些反对阵营的人该赞扬的时候还是要赞扬。Several politicians left the party and realigned themselves with the opposition.几位政治家脱离了这个政党转而投入反对党的阵营Even within the conservative camp, there is quite a wide range of opinion.即便在保守阵营内部也是意见纷呈。He was denounced in all the highways and byways of the revolution.他受到革命阵营里方方面面的谴责。Congress is still evenly divided on the issue.在这个问题上,国会仍旧分成两个阵营,旗鼓相当。There is an unbridgeable divide between the country's two main political camps.这个国家的两大政治阵营之间对立严重,无法调和。Some of his followers may stray into other camps.他的一些追随者可能会离他而去投入别的阵营The pro-independence camp are demanding a referendum.支持独立的阵营要求举行全民公投。




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