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例句 Photographer in Residence required. There are no specific teaching commitments but he will be expected to be available to students on an informal basis.招聘驻校摄影师。不要求摄影师担任具体教职,但希望能在非正式雇用的基础上随时为学生服务。Her international reputation is built on an impressive list of publications.她的国际声誉是建立在她发表的许多大作的基础上的。Your plan reposes on a fallacy.你的计划建立在谬误基础上The selection process is based on rigorous tests.选择过程建立在严格测试的基础上The victory was achieved at great cost to the country's infrastrucure.这一胜利是在国家投入高额基础设施费用的基础上实现的。He bases his conclusions on very limited research.他的结论建立在十分有限的研究基础上Consultation is traditional in the consensual Belgian system of labour relations.协商是建立在意见一致基础上的比利时劳资关系体系的传统做法。He has very little experience of business, and the whole organization was built on sand.他没有什么经商的经验,整个机构可以说是建立在不牢靠的基础上A good relationship is built on trust.良好的关系建立在信任的基础上Their friendship is on shaky grounds.他们的友谊建筑在不稳定的基础上The entire programme was predicated on that assumption.整个计划都建立在那个设想的基础上The work is strictly on a volunteer basis.这工作仅限于在自愿的基础上进行。The tidal predictions are expressed in Greenwich Mean Time. Add one hour for British Summer Time.潮汐预报用的是格林尼治标准时间。英国夏令时要在标准时基础上加一小时。Small businesses want to compete on a level playing field with larger ones.小企业想和大企业在平等的基础上进行竞争。Their code was based on generosity and sharing.他们的准则建立在慷慨和分享的基础上We simply cannot believe that a bona fide seller would conduct business on this basis.我们就是无法相信一个正当的商人会把自己的生意建立在这样的基础上Each president builds on/upon the success of each past president.每位总统都是在其前任成功的基础上发展进步的。I think we can say without prejudice to our position that we must try to understand the arguments of all the factions involved.我认为我们可以在无损自己立场的基础上表明,我们必须设法理解所有有关派别的论点。Men and women should be able to compete for jobs on an equal footing.男性和女性应该在平等的基础上竞争工作岗位。Its recommendations are based on detailed comparisons between the public and private sectors.建议是建立在对国营部门与私营部门进行详细比较的基础上的。We were given a 10 percent discount off the list price.给我们在标价基础上打了九折。Their theory is built upon her research.他们的理论是建立在她的研究基础上的。The meal she served us was an interesting variation on a traditional turkey dinner.她招待我们的这顿饭是在传统火鸡大餐基础上搞了点有趣的改变。The government's argument is always based on how much such a plan would cost.政府的论点总是建立在这样的计划有多大花费的基础上It's time our education system got back to basics.我们的教育制度该回归到基础上了。Capitalism is based on private ownership.资本主义是建立在私有制基础上的。With such a small study it is impossible to extrapolate accurately.在这样一个小规模研究的基础上不可能做出精确的推断。The country's strong economy was built on its mineral wealth.这个国家强大的经济是建立在丰富的矿藏基础上的。We've improved on last year's model, making the car safer and easier to control.我们在去年车型的基础上进行了改良,使其更安全且更易操控。His opinion is rooted in experience.他的意见是牢固地建立在经验基础上的。Our friendship is on firm grounds.我们的友谊建筑在牢固的基础上Their religion is based on a respect for all living things.他们的宗教信仰是建立在对一切生物的尊重的基础上的。The theory is bottomed on questionable assumptions.这一理论是建立在靠不住的假设基础上的。The Act was a great improvement on what went before.这一法案在原有基础上作了很大改进。The building is a mutation of the original design.这座建筑是在最初设计的基础上改建的。The new prices represent a substantial increase over last year's prices.新的价格在去年的基础上有了大幅增长。We hope to improve on last year's performance.我们希望在去年成绩的基础上有所提高。Friendship is based on shared interests.友谊建立在共同利益的基础上You should build your arguments on facts.你的论点应建立在事实的基础上Redundancy selection will probably be carried out on a fairly impersonal basis.裁员的选择将很可能在相当客观的基础上进行。




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