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词汇 埃德
例句 Ed could wrap his mother around his little finger.埃德能左右自己的母亲。Don't say anything to Ed - he can't be trusted with confidential information.别对埃德说任何事,不能相信他会保守秘密。Ed went into the bedroom to change out of his work clothes.埃德走进卧室换下工作服。Ed felt guilty about leaving work so early.埃德对这么早下班感到内疚。Ed is a great travelling companion - funny and sensible at the same time.埃德是个很好的旅伴,既风趣又有理智。His name is Edwin but he goes by Ed. 他的名字叫埃德温,但是人们经常叫他埃德Ed, clad in his best suit, was waiting for her.埃德穿着他最好的西装在等她。Ed goes to the gym to do weight training several times a week.埃德一个星期好几次去健身房练举重。One of his known aliases is Ed Neil.他的已知别名中有一个是埃德・尼尔。Ed Bass, a millionaire from Texas, bankrolled the Biosphere project.德州百万富翁埃德·巴斯资助了生物圈计划。Ed is stuck in the Dark Ages when it comes to his attitudes towards women.埃德对待女性的态度还停留在落伍的时代。Ed stepped in to separate the two dogs.埃德上前把这两条狗分开。Ed struggled manfully with his case.埃德勇敢地和自己的境遇抗争。Ed played at being a pirate.埃德假扮海盗。Ed Koch was for many years the mayor of New York.埃德‧科克做了多年的纽约市长。Ed and Dave aren't speaking at the moment.埃德和戴夫现在互不说话了。Ed leant against the wall, languidly stroking the dog.埃德靠在墙上,懒洋洋地抚摸着狗。Ed has his music lesson today.埃德今天有音乐课。Jo does the publicity work, while Ed stays very much in the background.乔做宣传工作,而埃德则主要做幕后工作。Ed asked if he could stay over at Matt's house so I said okay.埃德问是否能在马特家过夜,我说可以。After Kathy lost her job, things went from bad to worse, and eventually she and Ed split up.凯茜失业后情况变得更糟,最终她和埃德分手了。Edson quite frankly loathed the conceited little pup.埃德森毫不掩饰对这个自负的年轻人的厌恶。Ed cajoled and pleaded, but couldn't get her to change her mind.埃德又是说好话又是恳求,却无法让她回心转意。Try to keep Ed out of the bedroom while I finish wrapping his present.我在给埃德包礼物时你不要让他进卧室。Good old Ed! I knew he wouldn't let us down.埃德是好样的! 我知道他不会让我们失望的。Ed Duke was at the keyboard.埃德・杜克在弹电子琴。Unlike Ed, Josh returned from the war in one piece.不像埃德,乔希完好无损地从战场上回来了。Ed was rather peeved about how Martin had handled the situation.埃德对马丁这样处理这一情况相当生气。He always sprang to Rose's defence when Ed tried to criticize her.他总在埃德想批评罗丝时站出来为她说话。Ed told us stories of all the faraway countries he had visited.埃德对我们说起他去过的所有遥远的国家。Ed, you'll be sorry you ever said that.埃德,你会为自己说的话后悔的。Tom's problem was that he lacked confidence; Ed failed for precisely the opposite reason.汤姆的问题是缺乏信心,而埃德的失败恰恰是因为他太过自信。Ed, you are so creative - where did you learn to draw like that?埃德,你真有创造力啊—你那样画是从哪里学的?I notice Ed didn't offer to pay for her - he's no fool.我发现埃德并没有提出要替她付账——他可一点儿都不傻。Ed padded around the kitchen dressed in khaki slacks and a jacket.埃德身穿夹克衫和卡其色的居家裤,在厨房里走来走去。Mary-Claire had given Ed the push.玛丽-克莱尔把埃德给蹬了。Ed enjoys the solitary life of a rancher.埃德喜欢牧场上的独居生活。When everyone had left, Ed swept the floor.所有人都离开后,埃德扫地了。Only Ed cared enough to come and talk to her.只有埃德在意她,过来和她说话。I just can't seem to reach Ed anymore.我好像再也打动不了埃德了。




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