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词汇 战斗
例句 The army needs men who are willing to fight when necessary.军队需要随时愿意听命战斗的士兵。The fighting broke out about two hours after sundown.战斗大约是在日落两小时后打响的。The battle took an unfortunate turn.战斗出现了不妙的变化。The battle has been won. The focus is now on mopping up small pockets of resistance.战斗胜利了,现在的主要任务是肃清小股抵抗势力。The fighting increased in ferocity.战斗更加激烈了。The conspirators took no part in the fighting which ensued.密谋者没有参加随后发生的战斗The fighting flared in that region.战斗在那个地区突然爆发。For the moment the city seems quiet, but the fighting could start again at any time.城里目前好像很平静,不过战斗随时都可能再次爆发。Unless there are serious negotiations, the fighting will continue.除非认真谈判,否则战斗还会继续。When we moved up, the battle had come to an end.我们开赴指定地点时战斗已经结束。 There has been fighting on both sides of the border.边境两端一直有战斗We are fighting a winnable battle.我们在打一场能打赢的战斗The fighting on the border is escalating.边境地区的战斗在不断升级。He saw no active service during his time in the army.他在部队服役期间没有参加过任何战斗The battle is far from over.战斗还远远没到结束的时候。In a special report the magazine details the fighting.那份杂志在一篇特约报道中详述了战斗情况。They vowed to fight to the last man.他们发誓要战斗到底。Thousands of people have been driven from their homes by the fighting.这场战斗迫使成千上万的人离开了家园。The army was regularly engaged in combat.陆军经常参与战斗They went forth to battle.他们出发去战斗The rebels fought for freedom.反叛者为自由而战斗It was a fierce battle, and losses on both sides were heavy.那是一场激烈的战斗,双方伤亡都很惨重。England's apple growers are fighting an uphill battle against foreign competition.英格兰苹果农正在与外国的竞争对手打一场艰巨的战斗He could have escaped, but he chose to stand and fight.他本来可以逃走的,但他选择留下来战斗After hours of fighting, they were able to force back the enemy.经过几个小时的战斗,他们才得以击退敌人。He was faced with a conjuncture in which he must either fight or run.他面临了要么战斗要么逃跑的紧急关头。Heavy fighting continues.激烈的战斗仍在持续。The fighting could escalate into a more general war.这场战斗可能会升级为规模更大的战争。They fought and died for their country.他们为祖国而战斗,并献出了生命。The tribes joined to battle their common enemy.几个部落联合起来,与共同的敌人战斗Our platoon has yet to see combat.我们排还没有参加过战斗Fighting has broken out all over the city.战斗在全城打响了。France refused to allow stockpiling of American atomicweapons on French soil for the Nato fighter-bomber force.法国拒绝在其领土上为北约组织的战斗轰炸机部队储备美国原子武器。The women and children spent a nerve-racking day outside waiting while fighting continued around them.女人和孩子们在外面紧张不安地挨过了一天,而战斗仍在她们身边继续。They are steeling themselves for the coming battle.他们硬下心来准备迎接即将到来的战斗They fought without fear. 他们战斗时毫无畏惧。The fighting resumed after a period of relative calm.战斗在相对平静的一段时间之后再次打响。The fighting halted briefly.战斗停了一会儿。Every able-bodied man had to fight for his country.每一个体格健全的男人都必须为祖国而战斗The guerrillas would fight to the bitter end, he said, in order to achieve their main goal.他说,游击队员会为实现主要目标而战斗到底。




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