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词汇 case
例句 Make sure bookcases are securely fixed to the wall in case of earthquake.一定把书架牢牢地固定在墙上以防地震。The report found fault with the police department for its handling of the case.这篇报道批评警方处理这一案件的手法。She familiarized herself with the case history of her new patient.她熟悉了一下新病人的病历。If this witness balks , our lawyers will not have enough evidence to win the case.如果证人拒绝与法庭合作,我们的律师就没有足够证据打赢官司。Buckle up your case.扣紧你的箱子。The case was thrown out for lack of evidence.该案因缺乏证据而不获受理。These are the rights and wrongs of the case, as I apprehend them.在我看来,事情的是非曲直就是如此。The work involves preparing case files and attending court.需要做的工作包括整理案件档和出庭。The case worker will talk to refugees at drop-in sessions and by appointment.社工将与难民在接访和预约时间进行谈话。In no case can we negotiate with a terrorist organization.任何情况下我们都不会和恐怖组织谈判。The police are currently pursuing several lines of inquiry into the case.目前警方采用不同的方式来调查该案件。I can't afford to let the case drag on for months.我不能让这个案子拖好几个月。This bit of evidence proved to be the missing link in the murder case.要弄清这桩谋杀案独缺这点证据了。As the last person to see her alive, he was a material witness in the case.作为她死前最后一个见过她的人,他成为本案的重要目击证人。The whole case was badly handled from start to finish.整件事情从头到尾都处理得不好。The case resulted/ended in acquittal of the defendant.此案最终宣判被告无罪。He will plead not guilty when his case comes up.案件开庭审理时,他将作无罪抗辩。The case was lined with black velvet.箱子有黑色天鹅绒衬里。The defendants in the libel case maintain that their allegations are true.诽谤案的被告坚称他们的说法是真实的。This was the first action taken by a cancer sufferer against a tobacco company, and was seen as a test case.这是第一次有癌症患者对烟草公司提起诉讼,因此被视为判例案件。This is a difficult case which needs sensitive and skilful handling.这是个难办的案子,需要谨慎对待、巧妙处理。It's more than a mistake; it's a case of monumental stupidity.这不仅是个错误,还是一个极其愚蠢的案例。The best-case scenario would be for us to finish the work by tomorrow.对我们来说最好的情况就是在明天前完成工作。He stooped and picked up his case.他俯身提起箱子。Police said there had been a significant development in the case.警方称此案已取得重大进展。I told him the problem had already been dealt with and he could get off my case.我告诉他问题已经得到处理,并请他不要再揪着把柄不放。Researchers have found that internal inconsistencies in hospital case notes are common.研究者已经发现医院病例记录前后不一致的情况很普遍。We always leave a key with a neighbour in case we lock ourselves out.我们总是留一把钥匙在邻居那儿,以防万一把自己锁在门外。A leading law firm took up his case.一家顶尖的律师事务所接手了他的案子。The boxer finally acknowledged paternity of the child following a bitter court case.在一次痛苦的法庭诉讼之后,那位拳击手最终承认自己是孩子的父亲。Roden had already constructed a rude cabin for himself and his family in case of necessity.罗登已为自己和家人搭好了一个简陋的小木屋,以备不时之需。We shall decide who will do the job, as the case may be.我们将根据情况决定由谁来做这项工作。Well, it's a case of swings and roundabouts really. You win some, you lose some.唉,这实在有利也有弊啊,你得到了一些,也失去了一些。I was frightened to move in case the branch broke.我不敢动,怕一动树枝就会断掉。That guy is a complete mental case. 那人完全就是个疯子。In this stage of a rape case, the focus often shifts onto the victim and her conduct.到了强奸案的这一阶段,注意力往往会转移到受害人及其行为上去。The concert was booked out, and in any case, we couldn't afford it.音乐会门票已经预订一空,再说我们也买不起。The judge continued the case until next Friday.法官推迟到下个星期五审理该案。The facts in this case are self-evident and cannot be denied.这件案件中的事实是不证自明、无可否认的。The judges said there was at least a good arguable case of negligence to answer.法官们说至少有一个证据确凿的渎职案可作答辩。




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