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词汇 地上
例句 The dog found a hollow in the ground to hide in from the wind.那条狗在地上发现了一个可以钻进去避风的洞。She grassed the whole area, and planted a border down one side.她在整片地上种上了草,还在一边弄了一个长条形花坛。In her anger, she dashed the plate to pieces on the floor.盛怒之下,她把盘子砸到地上,摔碎了。He picked up a pointed stick and began drawing in the sand.他捡起一根尖尖的棍子,在沙地上画了起来。She swept up a hat from where it had fallen on the ground, and plunked it on her hair.她拾起掉在地上的一顶帽子,随意地往头上一扣。The car furrowed the loose sand as it crossed the desert.汽车穿过沙漠时,在松软的沙地上留下车辙。He wadded up the paper and threw it onto the floor.他把纸揉成一团扔在地上He saw Emma and promptly dropped his tray of drinks.他看见埃玛,饮料托盘当即脱手掉在地上Barney chalked a circle on the floor.巴尼用粉笔在地上画了个圈。Their home is on his father's land.他们家就建在他父亲的地上The table tipped, and all our drinks fell on the floor.桌子翻了,结果我们所有的饮料都掉在地上Realizing the man had a back injury, we laid him flat on the ground and waited for the ambulance to arrive.看到那名男子背部受伤,我们把他平放在地上等救护车来。He slipped and landed on his butt. 他滑了一下,一屁股坐在了地上We heard a bang and threw ourselves flat on the ground.我们听到砰的一声就马上趴在地上The police used dogs to clear the campers off the village green.警察用警犬来驱走在乡村绿地上露营的人。An apple fell to the ground.苹果掉落在地上All around me leaves twirl to the ground.在我周围,树叶打着转儿纷纷飘落到地上Marcello sat on his knee and gabbled excitedly.马塞洛跪坐在地上,激动地哇哩哇啦地说着。The tent was pegged to the ground.帐篷用桩固定在地上They had him down on the ground.他们把他放倒在地上Fiona was lying on the floor doing her homework.菲奥娜躺在地上做家庭作业。One of the ploughed fields was lumped up for melon planting.在一块犁过的地上垛起一个个土堆准备种瓜。After the lessons on the environment, children deposited much more litter in trash cans, rather than dropping it.有关环境的课程结束后,孩子们把更多的垃圾放进垃圾箱,而不是扔在地上Your scarf is dragging.你的披肩拖到地上了。Everyone had the right to graze animals on communal land.每个人都可以在公地上放牧。He was rolling around in agony, then the physio rubs him with the magic sponge and he's fine!他在地上痛苦地滚来滚去,队医给他擦了擦魔术海绵,于是他就一点没事了!He learned to walk safely up and down stairs.他学会了安全地上下楼梯。The vase fell and smashed to pieces.花瓶掉到地上摔成了碎片。The apples were all bruised after being dropped on the floor.苹果掉到地上后都碰伤了。The heavy rain washed gulleys in the sand.那场大雨在沙地上冲出一条条沟。They found Trish sitting on the cobbles of the stable yard.他们发现翠茜坐在场院的鹅卵石地上She walked across the hot sand.她从炙热的沙地上走过。Here rests his head upon the lap of earth.他的头安稳地枕在大地上The kids sat on the floor cross-legged. 孩子们盘腿坐在地上She was stunned and sank to the ground.她被击昏倒在地上Water filled the depressions in the ground.地上的坑里积满了水。A pool of water has accumulated on the ground from the boy's dripping clothes.男孩身上湿淋淋的衣服滴下来的水已在地上积成一摊。A few snowflakes fell toward the ground, then blew upward with the next gust of wind.几片雪花飘落在地上,接着一阵风又将它们吹了起来。Few species can survive in this wild landscape.几乎没有生物能在这片荒芜之地上存活。The ground was thickly carpeted with pine needles.地上落了厚厚的一层松针。




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