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Mark rose to greet him.马克起身迎他。When he stood up, he got so dizzy that he had to sit down again.他起身时头一阵晕眩,只好又坐回原处。He raised himself up on one elbow to watch.他用一只胳膊肘支起身看。He stood and dusted down his suit and folded the letter away.他起身把外套掸干净,并将信折起来收好。He got up to greet her when she entered the room.她走进屋时,他起身招呼她。He got up and went out into the foyer.他起身出去走进了大堂。Getting up too suddenly made the room swim before her eyes.因为起身太猛,她一时间觉得整个房子似乎都在旋转。They laugh so hard they double up with laughter.他们捧腹大笑,直不起身来。The newlyweds were the first to take the floor.新婚夫妇最先起身跳舞。To my relief, no one showed the slightest interest when I got up to leave.在我起身离开时没人表现出一丁点儿的关注,这让我松了一口气。Whitney started to rise from his kneel.惠特尼开始从跪姿起身站起来了。The boy was very unsteady and had staggered around when he got up.男孩站立不稳,并且起身后四下走动时步子踉跄。I watched how slowly he got up, how stiff he seemed.我看他慢慢地起身,身体好像很僵硬。She sprang to her feet and ran to answer the doorbell.门铃响了,她霍地起身跑去开门。He got up, and began to pace up and down the room.他起身并开始在房间里踱来踱去。I got up and walked calmly out into the early evening.傍晚时分我起身平静地走了出去。He ducked the blow and came up again.他低头躲开那一击,然后又直起身来。He straightened up and looked at me, open-mouthed.他直起身,目瞪口呆地看着我。He stood up and went to the window.他起身走向窗户。It was almost noon before he finally hauled his carcass out of bed. 都快中午了,他才终于从床上起身。She stood up and went over to him, her hands outstretched.她起身朝他走来,伸开着双手。I got up and walked over to where he was.我起身走到他那边。He quickly righted himself after he fell off the chair.他从椅子上摔下来之后迅速直起身来。The girls collapsed into a fit of the giggles.女孩们突然咯咯笑得直不起身来。I waited for a lull in the conversation, before getting up to go.我等着谈话间歇起身走开。They got up and walked out before I had a chance to reply.我还没来得及回答,他们就起身走了出去。The chairman got up to introduce the speaker.主席起身介绍发言者。When she coughs, it's my cue to get up out of the chair.她一咳嗽就是暗示我该起身离开椅子了。The minister looked again at her brief before rising to answer the question.部长在起身回答问题之前又看了一眼她的摘要。She was up at first light.她黎明时就起身了。He had not moved from his chair at the desk where he slouched, arms negligently spread over his papers.他懒洋洋地坐在桌旁没有起身,双臂摊开随意地搁在文件上。He gulped down his tea and got up from the table.他把茶一饮而尽,然后起身离席而去。As I stood up a bullet whistled past my back.我起身时一颗子弹嗖的一声从我背后擦过。I tried to reason with him, but even as I started to explain what had happened he stood up to leave.我试图和他理论,可是我刚一开口解释所发生的事情,他就起身要走。She got up and was sick in the handbasin.她起身在洗手池里吐了起来。She stood up and headed towards / toward the exit.她起身朝出口走去。Jack swigged the last of his tea and got up to leave.杰克把剩下的茶一口喝掉就起身离开了。He got up to strut his stuff on the dance-floor.他起身到舞池里炫耀自己的舞技。She got up and went into an inner office.她起身进了里面的办公室。I stood up to leave.我起身准备离开。 |