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词汇 在沙漠里
例句 The project involved laying an oil pipeline across the desert.这个工程包括在沙漠里铺设输油管道。Out in the desert there are hardly any road signs along the highway.在沙漠里,公路上几乎没有路标。He led a commando raid in the desert.在沙漠里指挥了一场突击队的袭击。With its tough suspension and 4-wheel drive, the truck is ideal for driving in the desert.这款卡车悬挂装置结实,四轮驱动,最适合在沙漠里驾驶。In the desert we travelled by night to avoid the blistering heat.在沙漠里我们夜间旅行以避开炎热。Irrigation allows non-native plants to grow in the desert.灌溉能使非本地植物在沙漠里生长。It is very difficult to judge distances in the desert.在沙漠里很难判断距离。It is no joke to be lost in the desert.在沙漠里迷路可不是闹着玩的。




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