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词汇 出生时
例句 She was born with a heart defect.出生时就有心脏缺陷。Premature babies have a low birth weight.早产儿出生时体重轻。She suffered serious brain damage at birth.出生时脑部严重损伤。She was born critically ill with a severe malformation of the heart.出生时心脏严重畸形,生命垂危。Boys are usually slightly heavier than girls at birth.男孩儿出生时一般比女孩儿稍重。He was born with a deformed right leg.出生时右腿畸形。An accident at birth left him badly handicapped.出生时的一次意外让他落下了严重的残疾。We are all born flexible but as we grow older, we tend to seize up a little.我们出生时身体都很灵活,但随着年龄的增长,手脚往往会变得有些僵硬。Doctors say the disease is probably inherited but not detectable at birth.医生说该疾病可能是遗传而来,但在出生时无法查出。When my daughter Emma was born she was two and a half months premature.我女儿埃玛出生时提前了两个半月。Most birds cannot identify their parents at birth and simply follow the first moving object they see.大部分鸟在出生时都不认得父母,只会跟着它们所看见的第一个会移动的物体走。Most babies double their birth weight at five months.大多数婴儿五个月时体重升至出生时的两倍。Although Armstrong overcame the circumstances of his birth, he never really left New Orleans behind.阿姆斯特朗虽然摆脱了他出生时的境遇,但他从没有真正割断与新奥尔良的联系。Heart valve disease may be due to heart abnormalities at birth, infection, or degeneration with age.心脏瓣膜病可能是因为出生时即有的异常、感染或是因衰老导致的功能减退造成。I remember weeping with pride when my first son was born.我记得长子出生时,我因自豪而流泪。Researchers believe that the tendency for diabetes is present at birth.研究人员认为糖尿病倾向出生时就存在。The twins were separated at birth.这对双胞胎出生时被分开了。Congenital hydrocephalus is present at birth and can result from events during the development of the foetus.先天性脑积水在出生时就已发生,可能是由于胚胎发育中的事件造成的。All lambs are checked for birth defects when they are born.所有羔羊出生时都要检查是否有先天缺陷。He was present at/for the birth of his daughter.他女儿出生时他在场。The twins were joined together at birth and had to be separated in a very delicate operation.这两个孪生儿出生时身体相连,不得不进行相当精细的手术把他们分开。I was born cherubic and chubby.出生时圆嘟嘟的,很可爱。




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