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The children are upstairs in bed.孩子们在楼上睡觉。I wish those kids would stop making such a racket upstairs.我希望孩子们在楼上别这么吵。Ian was upstairs playing with his new train set.伊恩在楼上玩他新买的套装火车玩具。He's taking a shower upstairs.他正在楼上洗淋浴。I heard him tramping about overhead.我听见他在楼上噔噔地走来走去。I could hear you hammering upstairs.我能听见你在楼上敲打的声音。The painters are upstairs painting the offices at the moment.漆匠们现在正在楼上油漆办公室。Just a second - I think it's on the desk upstairs.等一下,我想它在楼上的书桌上。We could hear someone moving around upstairs.我们能听到有人在楼上走动。We decided to put the office upstairs.我们决定把办公室设在楼上。My in-laws live upstairs.我的姻亲都住在楼上。She's upstairs getting ready to go out.她在楼上收拾准备要出去。I don't know where they are - they've probably gone upstairs for a shag.我不知道他们在哪里—说不定在楼上做爱呢。We're having the upstairs carpeted.我们正在请人在楼上铺地毯。Pauline keeps a spare key hanging in the closet upstairs.保利娜保留了一把备用钥匙,挂在楼上的壁橱里。She's up in the bathroom.她在楼上的浴室里。The children were romping about upstairs.孩子们在楼上嬉闹。Jan had the radio on in the room above, but it was no more than a murmur.简在楼上的房间里开着收音机,但是只有很低沉的声音。Ahmed's upstairs, revising.艾哈迈德在楼上复习功课。I heard his heavy tread moving about upstairs.我听见他在楼上走动的沉重的脚步声。The boys are asleep in the small bedroom upstairs.男孩子们正在楼上的小卧室睡觉。The restaurant is upstairs and consists of a large, open room.饭店在楼上,有一个宽敞的开间。Her parents shut her in an upstairs room.她父母把她关在楼上的一个房间里。She's stairs organizing herself.她正在楼上打扮呢。He's upstairs in the bathroom getting cleaned up.他在楼上浴室里洗澡。There I was thinking you were hard at work and you were upstairs in bed all the while!我以为你在努力工作,可你却一直在楼上睡觉!I could hear someone moving around upstairs.我听到有人在楼上来回走动。She's upstairs in bed feeling ill.她身体不舒服,在楼上躺着。The bathroom is located upstairs.卫生间在楼上。The poor kid's so miserable, he's upstairs crying his eyes out.那个可怜的小孩真惨,他在楼上哭得伤心极了。She's waiting for you in the conference room upstairs.她在楼上会议室等你。The bathroom is upstairs on your left.浴室在楼上左手边。They could hear the children romping around upstairs.他们听到孩子们在楼上蹦跳打闹。They were on the upper floor of the building.他们当时在楼上。Bookshops do sell postcards (if you look really hard and usually upstairs in some obscure place).书店确实卖明信片(如果你很仔细地寻找,通常会在楼上的某个犄角旮旯找到)。He's upstairs doing his homework, believe it or not.他在楼上做功课,信不信由你。With her parents asleep upstairs, Jen sneaked out of the house.趁父母在楼上睡觉,珍悄悄地溜出了屋子。I could hear her running a bath upstairs.我听到她在楼上放洗澡水。We could hear them banging about upstairs.我们听到他们在楼上咚咚地跑来跑去。He thought he heard someone moving around upstairs.他认为自己听到有人在楼上走动。 |